Inside Kimmy's Mind » Blog-TEMBER 4th – Passions

Blog-TEMBER 4th – Passions

Brave Love Blog

I missed yesterday’s prompt, I was just too tired and ran out of time, but I’m ready for today’s topic.  Today’s Topic is….What are you passionate about?

Where to begin? I have no idea how to answer this question,  so let’s just dive in.

  • School/Career-I’m extremely passionate about succeeding in school, I may not be a straight A student, but I still put everything I am into it. I do my best, and if that’s not good enough then I try again. I am almost done and can see the light, I just can’t skip any steps but I know I will make it.  And I may not know what my career will be after I finally make it through school, but I’m not just gonna twiddle my thumbs, I won’t stop until I find it. And again….I will find it.
  • Hobbies- My hobbies are extremely important to me. They represent a huge part of me and I just love that I was able to discover them in this lifetime. I never thought knitting would be something that I focused on, but it is and I’m so glad it became so much more than just something I once did/attempted. I didn’t stop when it got hard, I just kept trying and I hope to keep that attitude in other things I may tackle.

  • Blogging-  Yes, this is a hobby, but it deserves it’s own bullet. Because I’ve always been passionate about writing my thoughts down. And this blog has become so dear to me, I couldn’t imagine not having it. Even if I go days without posting. There are no rules to blogging, it’s your space, your words. And I love mine.
  • People- Of course this would be one. Family/friends are also a huge part of my life. I don’t get to see/spend a lot of my time with them, but remembering to cherish the time I do have with them is important to me. Especially with my parents, they are everything I strive to be. My sisters motivate me every day and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I love that I have best friends for life. The boyfriend- We don’t always see eye to eye, and sometimes we misunderstand each other. But even through the misunderstandings and fights, we over come them and learn to take the extra time to explain our feelings. I don’t know what the future will hold for us as a couple. But I’m willing to wait and see.

One more week until he comes home!!!

 Well, there you have it, a few of my passions listed above. What are your passions? Today was a long day, and I’m in need of a long shower and a face mask. Here’s to the weekend!!!

Thanks for reading and commenting


  1. Rachel G Said:

    on September 4, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    Way to go on working so hard for your education! Getting one is an excellent achievement–worth working hard towards. 🙂

  2. Kimmy Said:

    on September 5, 2015 at 12:37 am

    @Rachel G, It can be difficult , but I can’t let my hard work go to waste. Thanks for commenting . ?

  3. antoney Said:

    on September 4, 2015 at 10:32 pm

    get it

  4. Kimmy Said:

    on September 5, 2015 at 12:35 am

    @antoney, Doing my best!

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