Inside Kimmy's Mind » ~Monthly Moments: June~

~Monthly Moments: June~

I was late editing June’s video, but it was a slow month for me. I did go to Lockhart in the beginning of the month but unfortunately, I didn’t take ANY video clips! I thought I took at least one but it must have accidentally gotten erased. Oh well.

This lack of video pretty much sums up my month of June, lazy but still wonderful. I’ve been relaxing on the weekends and just spending time with family. Again, lovely. July should also be an easy month, which is fine by me, it gives me a chance to continue relaxing before the crazy month of August…can you believe how fast time is going by? I can’t. This

I’d love to hear about your June, even if it was as uneventful as mine. Now on to July….today is the 4th so Matt and I will probably try to find a place to watch fireworks…who knows.

Thanks for watching, see you next time!


  1. Mija Said:

    on July 4, 2017 at 7:53 pm

    POOGIE!!!! Jealous that Eve and Marco are so cuddly with each other! I wish Missy and Tomo were as loving with each other!!

  2. Kimmy Said:

    on July 5, 2017 at 11:15 am

    @Mija, She has to make an appearance in every video!!!

    I know! I was thinking that too, why did our cats not love each other? Mr. and Kozy ignored each other and towards the end, Mr. would just hiss at Kozi when he didn’t recognize him. T-T I miss them.

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