Live A Little?
It is impossible for me to “live a little.” I mean what does that even mean really? I am living.
Ok so I’m not exactly living an exciting life. Let me rephrase that. I am not exactly living an exciting SOCIAL life. But life in general is pretty awesome. So I don’t party on the weekends with a bunch of friends. I mean since graduating, I have only a few friends that I still talk to on a day to day basis. I mean excluding my sisters, because well it would be sad if they didn’t talk to me. (Speaking of sisters: Mija hasn’t talked to me in like a week? -.- If I’m not mistaken. Much love. )
- Missy-Because she is my amazing wife.
- Jayson- I love getting txts and calls from him. His voice mails make me laugh.
There are a few others that I talk to every now and then. But its not as much as these three. But anyway, just cause I don’t ever do anything out of my comfort zone doesn’t mean I’m unhappy with my life. I mean once in awhile I wish I could just be spontaneous and just go with the flow. Not worry about the consequences and just live in the moment. But I’ve lived my life a certain way, the same way for the past 20 yrs. How can you change something you’ve done for your whole life? And we are talking about me so that’s even harder to do than for a normal person. Because lets face it, I am not normal. I wish I could do what I wanted. I want to go on a road trip with friends. I want to move out of my parents house. I want to just feel like I’m moving forward and not settling or staying stuck. I want to live a life not just coast on by.
Nataly Dawn-Cover OK GO:Do what you want
I love Nataly Dawn, she is so talented. I love the versions of songs she does compared to the originals. She is also in Pomplamoose a duo with Zack Conte. I love them both they just make me smile. And their editing skills are just so amazing along with their musical skills. Damn I love their videos.
Some self loving is in order. I visited my sister during spring break, and she took us to Buffalo Exchange and Taxi Taxi. (I love those stores) Anyway I bought the blue shirt I’m wearing in this picture below. I love it! See I like how I look sometimes. And I think I dress nice, even if I have a lot of unnecessary layers. But oh well its a security thing. I also got the most amazing bag by Fred Perry. I love these bags, I think they are so cute. Mija said they were ugly but I don’t.
I need to blog more, its sad that I have been neglecting you blog. Oh but I posted a vlog last week.