Late I know
Now I know Valentines is the day couples celebrate their relationship and express their love for one another. A horrible time for those of us without a significant other. WRONG! Not this year. Gala Darling
It is completely and 100% OK that I am not in a romantic relationship at this time. I’m not a typical girl so even if I was in a relationship, simple from the heart gestures are whats best. A home made card for instance, is just one of the best gifts. That or a notebook of some sort, because I can never have too many journals. Anyway, here are bits of the assignments Gala assigned. I only put some of the questions on here the rest are in my bible. But you know what is driving me crazy? The fact that whenever I tweet about Radical self love using the hashtag #radicalselflove I do NOT show up in the #radicalselflove tweet page. Its rather frustrating. I’m not sure why my account isn’t working and the twitter people aren’t exactly helping me with the problem. >_< I wish they would just fix it. Be calm. And just let it go Kim. :3 On to some of the questions.
What does RADICAL SELF LOVE mean to you? I think that its an opportunity for me to see myself differently. Not just be so consumed with worrying about the negative side of things. I have tons of things to be positive about, and I should focus on those things more often. I spend too much time focusing on the things that I dislike about myself. RADICAL SELF-LOVE is just a positive project that I look forward to doing, even after the month is over.
Which qualities or attributes would you like to bring into your own life via the application of RADICAL SELF LOVE? I want to be more positive. I want to wake up and feel like I can do anything and everything. I’m not saying I don’t have anything to look forward to, because I do. I just want to be able to wake up and not pin point all my faults. I want to be able to look on the brighter side of things after something terrible happens. Angry out bursts don’t exactly solve my problems so why not just see the silver lining? I want to be able to do that. I am incredibly lucky, I love being me on the inside and I have great friends and a terrific family. I just want to be able to keep that in mind.
What beliefs do you currently hold that are stifling your regular expression of RADICAL SELF LOVE? Self doubt. I doubt myself way too much. Which leads to the next question.
Are the people & activities in your life HELPING or HINDERING you in your quest for RADICAL SELF LOVE? Would you be better off without them? The only person hindering me from RADICAL SELF LOVE is myself. I am surrounded by people that are just so caring and supportive. When someone compliments me I really have no idea what to say. I mean of course I say thank you. But if they keep on complimenting I feel like I need to express my opinion. Which is exactly the opposite of what they are telling me. It’s that I want to just keep hearing their kind words as if I were fishing for compliments. I just don’t see myself as they do.
Which brings me to the essay question. Wow this question transitions into the next one as well.
Essay Question: Why do you treat your best friend better than you treat yourself? I can see all the things my BF can’t see about herself. She is truly one of the most beautiful and amazing people I have ever met. I think its sort of like wearing a blind fold when it comes to ourselves. We can’t see the things that make us great, but when it comes to others the blind fold slips and we can see perfectly. We find, what our friends see as flaws as just something else to love about them. If only we could see ourselves in the same light.
In what ways can you behave more like you’re your own best friend? I would never be able to be as amazing and selfless as she is. But the best way for me to be more like her is to be more understanding and less judgmental. She never judges me. She accepts me and loves me for who I am as a person. And she sees me the same way I see her. A wonderful person. I’m so glad that I have her as a best friend she makes my day brighter.