Can’t Breathe
Sneezing.Stuffy nose. Sore throat.
These are my symptoms. No fever. But when I get too cold and decide to turn the fan off I get too hot. So if its the chills then I guess I have that as well. I constantly need a tissue in my hand, and let me tell you without being too graphic. Its not pretty. I stayed up late painting my next art project. I’m sort of happy with it, but I’m also sort of stuck. For this project we are supposed to paint a portrait of someone we either extremely love or hate beyond reason. I couldn’t choose between Neil Gaiman and Dave Mckean. So I’ve decided to paint both. I watched the movie Mirror Mask for inspiration. One of my favorite movies.
My cat was just attacked by two dogs. I’m like freaking out. What if he is bleeding to death? Dying alone? I can’t handle that. He was supposed to die of old age, he is my first cat. I can’t go out and look for him no matter how much I want to. He will come right? I know I shouldn’t hate the dogs that attacked him, my anger should be directed at the dumb ass pet owners that don’t know how to keep their stupid fucking demon monster dogs locked him. Sigh. Just please let my cat be ok. Kozi wasn’t attacked he bolted over the fence so fast I hope he is ok.
I’m no longer in the mood to blog.