Go Cougs!
Since I have been admitted to UofH my family and I went on a campus tour on Saturday. The campus is huge, I just know I am gonna get lost.
I am gonna have to get a bus pass. But I have a feeling I am either gonna be late for class, or I might take the wrong bus and end up on the other side of Houston. I really hope that doesn’t happen. I don’t wanna be lost somewhere. But other than worrying about getting lost and being late for class. I am excited still. Of course I am gonna miss my home. But I have to move on. Growing up is normal and I’m already behind on the growing up part of life. I need to start learning how to take care of myself. Once I get settled in my home away from home, I need to find a job which should be easy since there are soooo many stores on campus. UofH has their own ice cream parlor, nail salon, bowling alley and a Chili’s too. So getting a job on campus might be easy. If not Mija lives near a Barnes & Noble so I can apply for a job there. And I will have my license before I move so I will be able to prove I am 20. YES! I can’t wait for that. I want to start class there, I want to start the next part of my life and attempt to make new friends. Of course I am horrible at making friends. Speaking of friends, my best friend Missy is…PREGNANT! And I couldn’t be happier. She has been my best friend since the 9th grade, my first friend to get married and now my first friend to be pregnant. :3 She is going to be a great mom. I still can’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it when she was getting married but now she is expecting her first child. And I’m so glad that we are still close. She is really the only friend I still talk to from high school. We didn’t move away right after graduation so maybe that has something to do with it, but I think even if we did we still would have talked. Cause we can go without talking and then meet up and its like we were never apart. She lives 12 hrs away from me yet when she comes to visit she still makes time to come visit me. Plus we have the notebook that we mail each other back and forth. I love writing in that notebook. Because even though we can email and txt each other, its just something I enjoy doing. Plus I love mailing things.
Gosh things are changing. Time just keeps speeding up. Why is it like that now? Anyway, so now I have to sign up for a meeting with a counselor at UofH and then talk about how much my tuition will be, which classes I’ll be taking and at what time. I still have the summer semester at BC to pass math. Stupid math. I HATE YOU! -.- I hope I pass it this time. Why must it cause me so much heartache? After that I might take a class during the summer two semester it just depends. If not I will end up moving a lot sooner. When we went to visit the campus we stopped by my soon to be home to feed Tomo my sister’s cat. She is spending the weekend with her boyfriend at a lake house. Poor Tomo all alone, I bet he left presents for her to clean up when she gets back home. Its a sign that he missed her. lol And she just happened to leave his litter box in my soon to be room. Thanks Mija. -.- My room better not smell when I get there. Cause I am not sharing a room with Tomo.
I found these bottle charms at Hobby Lobby. I’ve been looking for these since someone put them on Cut out + Keep. I bought the potion shape bottle charms though. They also had the regular jar and test tube bottles there as well. I wasn’t sure what to put in the bottle since it was so tiny. But I decided to write a quote on a slip of paper with a panda on it. Its for motivation. I’m gonna need all the motivation I can get once I start my math class. They come in a pack of two so I gave the second one to Kat and she just wanted a flower in it. I have some tiny purple flowers that I bought to make hair clips. So I just used that. Hey Missy which bottle shape would you prefer. Oh and what would you put in yours? I plan to buy you one the next time I go to Hobby Lobby.
Today’s song is a cover of Dream a little Dream. Sung by the Glee Cast. I love this show. And this song.[audio:http://numb.honey-vanity.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/DreamALittleDreamGleeCastVersio.mp3]