I feel like I have a ton of things to get done. Pass math, get my license, and not to mention my ortho appointments. Because yup I’m getting braces.
Great so now I’ll have both glasses and braces. -.- I actually really love my glasses. I’ve worn them for eleven years and they are practically imprinted on my face. The only downside is that I look so weird without glasses. I never noticed how small my eyes were until I went to get my ID. They made me take my glasses off. Its horrible looking. I think of them as part of my face and hate taking them off. Now braces, scare me. I have a very low tolerance for pain. I freak out getting eye drops and that doesn’t even hurt. I have always had horrible teeth. and I had it in my head that I had the worse teeth on the planet. But guess what? They aren’t as bad as I thought. And the appointment I was even pumped up to get them. The thought of having straight teeth makes me want to cry. (happy tears of course) I just wish I could be pass the whole waiting process. And just get them already. But we have two more meetings before I can get the braces. My next appointment is July 26th at 8…A.M.! O.o A.M.? Damn.
So on my third week of math class. So far so good I have exam 1 on Monday. But in the morning I will be in Houston talking to counselors and registering. Classes start August 23rd and my math class at B.C. end on the 18th. So no break. May was my summer vacation. -.- A month. That was it. sigh. I miss sleeping all day! But you know I am excited to be transferring. Its weird that its finally happening. I mean when I graduated I knew I wouldn’t be moving right away. But Mija and I would talk about moving in together all the time. And now its in the process of happening. I will have to make trips taking some of my stuff so I’m not moving all of my stuff a week before classes start. I’m nervous because now I’m starting over with a new school, new people, new teachers. I hope I get good teachers that are nice. I don’t like mean teachers. -.- And then I will be away from home. I love my home. Its going to be weird not coming home after a day of classes. A love my small town. So Kat has been in Houston for this entire week. She is planning on going to A.I. for culinary. And so my parents let her take this week long camp thingy. I haven’t talked to her really, but she updates (teases) me with pics of the dishes she has made. I also notice the video clip of me thats looping? Its a which is sort of like dailybooth but with video. I know so many sites to update. But I really like sites like this.
So I watched The Runaways. I really liked it and I always thought Joan Jett was amazing after I saw her short cameo on REPO. Also updated Mind-Speaks.