Hugs for You
Ok. So I am finally enrolled at UH. Transferring is so complicated. -.- But I’m finally enrolled and now I just have to get a loan and then pay for classes and buy my text books.
The other day Kat and I got our new glasses. Then mom took us to Hastings where I found the movie book of Mirror Mask for three bucks. Mirror Mask is one of my favorite movies. Its made by my favorite people, Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean. I absolutely adore them. So I was happy to find this book for 3 bucks when it originally cost like 16 bucks. Mom also bought me these recycled paper journals from Target. I love getting new journals. I mostly update my blog now but I’ll write in a handwritten journal now and then. And for me you can never have enough journals. When I went to Borders I saw this journal. I love Paperchase its a UK brand so I can’t order this journal online. -.- Hopefully Borders will still have it. Anyway, Kat got this book called Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. I read it in a day and half, I couldn’t put it down. What I loved most about this book was that its written in both the main girl’s and guy’s pov. I liked Sam’s pov better because his thoughts were more interesting. Its romantic and exciting, its the type of book where you can’t turn the page fast enough, and when its over you are left with this achy feeling. I cannot wait to read the sequel. -.- I usually always have a book to read. But I don’t have one. So I’m borrowing one of Kat’s yet again. She didn’t want me reading Shiver before her because when we read books we usually tell each other about the book we are reading. But she wanted to read this one herself. >.< I do the same with movies, I want to tell others the ending before the movie has even started.
So Cate came over last Saturday, and we played Just Dance on Wii. And that game is indeed a work out. My arms were so sore after playing. -.- I am sooooooooo out of shape. But I had so much fun with Kat and Cate. Then after dancing we ate dinner and sat and played Smash Bros and then took some pictures until my cam battery died. I should have charged it. Cate is so adorable. And I have so much fun when I am with her. I don’t really hang out with friends often I’m such a lazy person.
Ok so Kat and I went to the Orthodontist the other day. They took some pictures and x rays, then they made molds of our teeth which I thought I was going to choke when they were doing the top teeth. Next week we have another meeting before they can actually put braces on us. >.< I hate all this waiting, I just want to get it over and done with. Man people born with perfect teeth have it so easy. -.- But I just keep saying to myself that I will have perfect teeth too after what 2 years? I can do this. Right? >.< Oh yeah I totally forgot I painted my second Munny last week. I love kid-robot. This time I think I did a much better job on it. I used my cell case and ipod for inspiration. And I like it a lot, I think its so cute and it has more personality then the first one I painted. I should have sent this one to Hyun, but I couldn’t resist painting another one. >.<