My sister
Mija nominated me for this little blog tag! Thank you Mija!
I have not done one in quite a long time since I sort of fell off the blogging wagon. But I still very much love blogging and hope to create a schedule for it.
Sunshine Blogger Award Preview:
The Sunshine Blogger award is a peer recognition for bloggers that inspire positive thinking, joy, warmth and any other emotions that you feel when you think about the sun.
The Rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
- Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions. Link your blog so I can see!!!
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
1. What is your dream job?
I’ve actually have been dreaming about owning my own Stationery store where I can hold planner/journal meet ups! I love going to these cute stores and when I get a chance to participate in a class or meetup it’s just the so much fun. I would love to own a store like that or even have a studio space that would allow me to have my own classes like that.
2. What is 1 item you still own from your childhood?
One?! Oh, I have SOOOO many items from my childhood but the one I that comes to mind is, a giant Beanie Baby- Batty! After I moved out of my parent’s house I ended up bringing that soft plushie with me. Brings back nice memories.
3. What is your favorite weather like?
Cool weather! Sweater wearing weather! No frizzy hair weather! The Texas heat is just so terrible sometimes, but every once in a while, there is a day, it just comes with no warning, and it is perfect. Perfect park weather. Makes me happy just thinking about it.
4. What is one thing would you change about your current town?
Quite a bit of things but one would be, more reliable public transportation. I wish the light rail was in more parts, saving people from always having to drive everywhere.
5. List your favorite show to rewatch over and over!
Gilmore Girls is always my favorite to rewatch, but as I watch it I get more annoyed with Rory, I still love the show but things stick out now that didn’t when I watched it the first 100 times. I’ll probably always rewatch it though. Bob’s Burgers is probably the better show to constantly rewatch. 🙂
6. Can you recommend a youtube channel you love to watch?
I spend quite a bit of my time on Youtube, making videos and watching them. Frannerd has to be one of my favorite channels to watch. She is such an inspiring artist and watching her videos makes me so happy.
7. Have you ever gotten your cards read before? (Tarot)
Not by an actual tarot reader. However, my sister and I got into tarot for a bit when we were younger. I’m not sure if we did the layouts “right” when reading the cards but it was all in good fun.
8. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
That I have so many fun hobbies! I love to knit, paint, write, read, film, ….anything that allows me to be creative.
9. What is your hidden talent?
I’m not sure if I have a hidden talent. If I do, it remains hidden.
10. Favorite vacation spot?
Haven’t been on enough vacations to have a spot. So I’ll just have to go with staying home for now, I’ve always been a homebody and I really enjoy being home.
11. Have you ever flown in first class before?
And to continue on with traveling, I’ve only flown twice. First class sounds fun, but I don’t think I need that.
- What items must you always have in your bag/on your person?
- What is your favorite season?
- Do you have any pets? If no, what kind of pet would like to have?
- Favorite hobby?
- If you could have a super power what would you have?
- What is your favorite dessert?
- What was your most recent dream about?
- Favorite colors?
- Do you prefer to blog or journal with a pen and notebook?
- Played any games lately?
- Have you ever participated in a 30 day challenge of some sort?
And I’m not sure who will see this tag, but I’ll tag, Morrigan and Joy and anyone that would like to join in.
Thanks for reading!