18 and Graduating!!? o.O
My baby sister turns 18 today, I cannot believe it. She is 18 today and a high school graduate tomorrow. >.< So weird.
I still remember when she was two, I thought she was the cutest baby in the world. And before my fear of holding babies kicked in I would always want to hold her. Of course I was too small to actually hold her, so I had to make do with sitting next to her. lol But as we grew older we became inseparable. When Mija went to junior high she went through “the you are younger than me and far less cool, so don’t talk to me” phase. So thankfully I had Kat to keep me company. Even when I went to junior high I would still come home and hang out with her. I guess I’m just a far more superior older sister than Mija. XD jk I did however become a protective big sister, and this makes me want to kick all the boys in the balls to keep them away from her. (I have no idea where she got the boy-crazed gene from) I know she is getting older but its hard to see her that way when I just see my baby sister. But its something I’m working on. -.- It will just take some time, and until then I have the right to give any boy the death glare.
So Kat will be going to BC in the fall, and then after a semester or two she will transfer to Houston and enroll in A.I. (The Art Institute) She is going for culinary and I hope she becomes a master pastry chef. I want her to enjoy her last summer vacation, because once you graduate high school, those just disappear. >.< I hope she has fun while in college and I hope she doesn’t have to deal with stupid stuff like I do.
Words of wisdom for Kat:
- Pace yourself, don’t let yourself get overwhelmed
- Do your best
- Try not to procrastinate- its not helpful and you’ll end up in a bind so do everything early.
- Ask for help- don’t be afraid to ask for help, I was specifically designed to help YOU. That’s what sisters are for so just ask. <3
- Remember, just because you are 18 now doesn’t mean you can do as you please. You’re just a year older, nothing else has changed. Luis and Cynthia are still your parents. Meaning they still make the rules.
- Don’t let anything or ANYONE get in your way. You have goals and I want you to accomplish those goals and be happy.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAT!! LOVE YOU- Just tried to go shopping for the brat and nothing seemed to be right. DAMN YOU XBOX!!!