Spring=New Beginnings
Everywhere I turn couples are either getting married or expecting a child, I’m assuming because it is Spring time. And this is just the designated season to marry your significant other and to reproduce.
In the blog universe two of my favorite bloggers have also embraced the season of marriage and baby making. I have mentioned this blog before, she inspires me with every post.I hope to one day make my blog as interesting as hers is. Her and her husband are the cutest couple, their vintage style is just so picture perfect. I also enjoy reading this blog, I love how her and her husband collaborate on her blog. He takes such amazing pictures of her. So adorable. Its what I hope for in a relationship, working together to create something. Meeting someone that not only supports but inspires me as well. Anyway, they are expecting their first child.
In my real world, I’ve mention my best friend having her first baby back in January, and he is still the cutest thing in the world. >.< Such a cute baby, in some pictures he definitely looks like Missy and then in others I think he resembles his dad. Its so weird and amazing all at the same time. I’ve never been a baby person and I’m still not comfortable with holding him but as soon as he is old enough to crawl I might be able to hold him. lol Continuing on, my older sister got engaged a couple of weeks ago. Its pretty exciting, no date has been decided as of yet. But I’m hoping its not too far away. It will probably be in a year or so. Usually when a family member gets married, I dread going to the wedding. I’m not a fan of them. But when its someone I truly love then I know I will enjoy myself. I’m already planning on a toast to give during the dinner. It’s my older sister so I have plenty of words to share, maybe some embarrassing stories or two as well. XD
I’m looking forward to the wedding, I hope the plans go smoothly and she doesn’t turn into a bridezilla. XD Beause she can be pretty scary when things aren’t done in the way she wants them to be done. And I’ll actually have to do what she says since its her wedding. -.- Yeah I’m looking forward to that part. But in all seriousness, she shouldn’t be too difficult. lol But I know she won’t be one of those brides that pick the most ugly bridesmaid dresses for us to wear. But I’m more excited to see her try on a lot of different wedding gowns. So weird my sister is engaged. >.<