Days of Love

In my last post I was minutes from meeting the bf’s parents, and that went well. There were moments of awkward silences but I think it was a successful meeting all in all. His mother was beyond sweet, and his 6 year old sister was adorable. She makes the same expressions as he does and it was just cute. His step dad was pretty quiet but he would chime in every once in a while.
I was also happy to witness the interaction between him and his mother. When he talks about his mom he often says how she has her life and he has his. But they joked around and she acted like a mother. Not that I didn’t think she would act like one, but he keeps his family life pretty much to himself and I try not to pry. All in all, I liked meeting his family and hopefully the next time I won’t be as nervous. And I hope the meeting with my family goes well too.
I hope you had a nice Valentine’s…even if you don’t celebrate it in the traditional sense. The bf and I just stayed in, I picked him and some Chick-Fil-A up after working an Egypt party at the museum. I even bought the roomie some pink tulips. Buying flowers was nice, I need to buy an actual vase and buy flowers every once in a while. I know they die, but they are also really pretty and I didn’t want to buy a pastry chef sweets, so I opted for some pretty flowers instead. She’s the best, so I wanted to show her some appreciation. :3

I also want to share what I got on a recent visit to Target. Oh Target, why must you be so alluring. I mentioned flowers earlier which is why I think I wanted these as badly as I did. I noticed these beauties on sale and couldn’t help but get them. Wearing them out today gave me a little jaunt in my step, they also had some mint ones and some polka dot ones that were really adorable as well but the flower ones won out in the end. Gah! Target!
Aside from my Target adventures and a low key Valentine’s the date for the bf and my parents to meet has been decided. March 21st. I’m excited yet nervous. I mean, I’m sure he’s nervous as well but he’s probably put it out of his mind for now. I hope it goes well, I want everyone to like everyone. Ok, I’ve rambled on enough and I have work in the morning so I should get some sleep. I’ve been exhausted and keep taking naps as soon as I get home from work or school and it has ruined my sleep schedule. That’s all for now…
Thanks for reading and commenting.