New Job!!!
That’s right! I have a new job and I cannot wait to start. I’m nervous and excited and a whole bunch of other emotions that I can’t seem to grasp at the moment. I am so unbelievably happy and I wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything….well, the feeling of being a new aunt is better, but this is on a different scale.

It’s just, this year started out pretty gloomy for me, what with my 2 1/2 year relationship ending. But then it looked brighter after I graduated from college and then the birth of my adorable niece was exactly what I needed. That, and reading books again. And now that I’m a part of Booktube, I’m just really happy.
I made myself a goal after I graduated. I said, you have until July to find a full-time job WITH benefits. A career! Time to get serious!!! And after applying to tons of jobs and having those pyramid schemes rear their ugly, stupid faces everywhere I looked; I was starting to get very worried. Then by some miracle two potential positions made themselves known. I applied to both, wanting one more than the other. But the planets aligned and I managed to get an interview for that one. A job where I can use both my major and minor!!! And I landed it!
This is going to be such a weird thing for me to get used to. I’ve never had a full-time job before, only three part-time jobs and classes with time for naps in between. I know I’m going to be exhausted while I grow accustomed to waking up early and getting off at 5. Crazy. But I’m ready for this next phase of my life. Evolving into a grown up!! Well, I’m heading in that direction and I’m ready to take whatever comes my way. Both the easy and the complicated.
Here’s to evolving! I’ll fill you in more about the actual job next time.
For now, just know that I am happy.
Thanks for reading