Depressing News
My sister and I would baby sit our neighbors cat. It started when my sister was like 12 who is now 24, and then after she left home I started taking care of Spicy with Kathy when I was 13 or so. I am now 19 and I have up til now took care of this cat when her owners go out of town. But sadly she has past away.
I know she was old, and I know all things come to an end. But I never thought it would happen. I can’t imagine how Laura must feel finding her beloved pet cat dead. Being an owner of two cats myself I know how attached one can get. They may be pets but they are still family. Spicy was the sweetest cat I knew. She would rub against my leg waiting for me to feed her. And then brush her coat when she was finished eating. Sometimes I would fall asleep there and wake up with her sleeping next to me or on me. I’m going to miss Spicy.
I already missed a day this month, and I could just go back and add an entry and just pretend it was written on that day. But I have decided I wouldn’t cheat. So I will try again next month, and during that time I will be better prepared and make sure that I update my blog every day that month. Plus next month is my birthday and I will have already started classes so I should have much more to update with. But I will eventually do the whole month of blogging thing. I should try to make my blog less boring. But I have no clue on how to do that so…yeah.
Onto other news.
WARNING MOVIE SPOILERS!! I watched the Orphan. And it was so so. I was annoyed half the time by the stupid father and the evil orphan. Ok I heard that this movie was giving the wrong idea about adoption. But how so? I mean adoption takes so much paper work and information and what not that for this to happen in real life would be very difficult. Esther apparently is a 33 yr woman and she suffers from this. Which effects her growth and all that jazz. I mean I guess I can understand why she went crazy. I’d go crazy too if I forever looked like a child. I mean she didn’t get to experience real life. She was stuck in time. Many people fear getting old and then dying. But there are a few people out there that fear never aging. I felt bad for the character for like a minute, because then she just got annoying after a while. The husband shouldn’t have doubted his wife. I mean I know she is a recovering alcoholic and it is her fault that her daughter is deaf. But she is making up for that. He should have been on her side the entire time. There were two parts in the movie that made laugh. The first one is the scene between Esther and the son, after he saw her and Max (sister) coming out of his tree house. She sneaks into his room and holds a xacto knife to his throat and says..
Esther:”What did you see?”
Son: “Just you and Max coming out of the tree house.”
Esther: “Is that all?” (pulls hair)
Son:”Yes I promise.”
Esther:”If you tell anyone what you saw, I’ll cut off your hairless little prick before you even know what its for.”
Esther:” You pissed yourself.”
Ok. I know I shouldn’t find this funny. But I did. I mean I did feel bad for the poor kid because she scared him so bad that he did piss himself. But just those words coming out of a child’s mouth made me laugh. The next scene I liked was the last scene at the end of the movie where the mother and Esther are battling it out in the frozen pound. The mother finally makes it out of the pound with Esther holding on to her feet.
Esther: “Don’t let me die mommy.”
Kate:”I’m not your fucking mommy!” (Kicks Esther which breaks her neck and kills her)
The end.
I mean I’m not sure if I should recommend this movie. Because it was so so. I again found it annoying, but others might like it. So I remain neutral on this one. Watch it or don’t watch it. That’s up to you.
Next movie is The Ugly Truth. But I noticed something when I was looking at the poster for it. (I like this one better but thats just me.) The movie I hate Valentines day’s poster is pretty similar. That movie also has this poster too.
Funny right? Well that’s all I have to say for today. I might update tomorrow. But the blog every day this month will have to wait until next month. Sigh I’ll get it next time.