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I introduced Matt to my parent’s. I know, some might consider 5 months of dating too soon, but I wanted my parents to meet him. He’s all of the above and so much more. ❤

My dad is a very hyper person, especially when he is having a good time.  If he likes a person, then he continues on with his hyper attitude and partners it with his mile-a-minute-talking. Something he and I have in common. Sadly, if he does not like a person then he remains quiet. Which is usually unheard of. He also met my 9 month old niece. She was so shy and it was so adorable. She clung to my shirt and just kept eyeing him. He would hold out his hand to her and she would reach for him then take her hand back. She let him hold her for a second, I guess she was just trying to figure him out.

Now, I was not worried about Matt meeting my family. He’s a great conversationalist, even though he feels as though he is awkward. I think, provided the people around him are actively including him, then he has no problem. Now he’ll be invited to family gatherings and weekend trips to my parent’s. He definitely made an impression. As for Matt’s parents, they live in Florida but will be visiting Texas next month. I’ll get a chance to meet them during their visit and I hope they like me, I have some concerns that I’d rather not type out let alone say out loud. -.- Just some run of the mill jealousy and nervousness.

Meeting the parents is a serious matter. But this is morphing into a serious relationship, and even though I have introduced two other boyfriends beforehand but I’m not going to let past relationships haunt my new one.

Does the idea of meeting the parents make you nervous, I’d love to hear your thoughts. That’s all for now.

Thanks for reading and commenting.



Valentine’s Day: a day deemed the most important day to show your significant other that you love them.


This shouldn’t be the only day you show your loved ones that you love them. This also shouldn’t only be a day for couples, it’s a day for everyone to show their love. My mother surprised me with a card, she was like a ninja and hid it in my room the last time she came to visit me. I’ve been saying this a lot, but love comes in so many different forms so why shouldn’t this day, along with every other day, be a day you show love?

Yes, I am in a relationship, but I don’t usually make a huge deal in doing the typical couple-Valentiney-things. I spent a lovely evening with the boyfriend, we ate dinner, dessert- he made me a strawberry cake- and watched Avatar. I loved it. I love him. He makes every day special because loving someone isn’t something that can be expressed once in awhile. It’s not something that is only shown in order to make a pretty instagram photo. It’s something that isn’t always seen but you feel it. I feel loved every time Matt looks my way, when my siblings tease me about something, when my mother answers the phone when I call, or when my dad saves the day when there’s a storm brewing. I am indeed lucky. And I bet, if you took the time to see all that is around you, you’ll feel the love too.

So please, treat this day like any other day, don’t let the candies and flowers make you feel as though you don’t matter. Relationships are great, but loving yourself is just as great. I hope you spent this day with loved ones, and I hope you spoiled yourself because you deserve it.

That was my 2 cents on this Hallmark Holiday.

Thanks for reading.

Mornings with You ?


The moments before I fall asleep I snuggle against your back, wrapping my arm around you and I can easily fall asleep with you beside me.

The moments before I’m fully awake, I can feel you kiss my cheek. I can feel you touch my hand.  My vision blurred, streaks of light peeking in through the blinds while purrs and high pitched meows beckon us to wake up.  I can feel myself wanting to say good morning yet I want to linger in your arms just a bit longer before I wake up. 


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