Their Past, My Present, and Someone’s Future
So I had my first Jury Duty experience. And I must say I understand why it is something most adults desperately try to wiggle themselves out of having to sit through.
Yes I receive ten dollars for taking time out of my schedule to partake in. And then an additional $40 until the case is settled. But that is only if you are selected as a juror for the case. Anyway, I went int at 8:15 am and then was told to come back at 1. When I came back to the court house the judge called roll and then dismissed us explaining that all his cases were canceled. So we have fulfilled our jury duty summons. Yay! Of course I was sort of hoping to have it extended and get chosen so I could get 40 dollars. Money is the only reason I wanted to do this in the first place. (I know greedy me.) Ok I also did it because it was something new to experience. :p And although it was annoying it was interesting in some ways. Minus the part when my stomach made loud unflattering noises. Stupid nervousness. >_< Anyway, after I was fnished with Jury Duty my mom picked me up and we drove by a fabric store. I love buying new fabrics. … continue reading this entry.