Another Month Goes by…
I remain creatively stumped. I have no idea what to paint on my Munny, I want to go on a book overload, and I need to make a vlog as well using what I filmed at Domy Books. But in the mean time here are some pictures of the store that I have yet to share.
I don’t want to talk too much about this store because then I won’t leave anything for my vlog. Just know it is a kick ass store made of awesome. With the minor exception its awesomeness is fucking expensive. But oh well I still find it amazing.Ok so I spent the past two weeks with my sister Mija and I had fun. She wants me to come back for a third week. Awww I must be so awesome that she just can’t ever get tired of me. So I said why not. I changed my mind about going to classes this month. So I now have an actual summer vacation. Sigh. I’m such a bad student. I might go to classes during the Summer II semester. Anyway, I think I spoiled her by staying for the second week and now she doesn’t want to be alone at her place. lol I don’t mind staying at her place, I mean I’m not bored or anything. I’m just homesick. At least I know that when the time comes for me to actually move in with her we will be able to actually live under the same roof together. Well the other day she bought some sushi for us and we made chow mein. It was so yummy. Of course Tomo (her pet cat) was a curious weirdo and wanted to investigate the sushi. Like he would like it, he is a weird cat. Not at all like my cat Mister. He would eat anything. A regular walking, breathing, eating machine.
Speaking of noodles mom rented the movie The Ramen Girl starring Brittany Murphy the other day. And so we watched it when we came home on Saturday while eating ramen. The movie was cute, I’m just glad they took out a bunch of unnecessary scenes. It would have changed my opinion of the movie. And her love interest? Sohee Park? Is such a cutie.
I wish Kathy would update more often without me having to tell her. I might as well go and bother her right now seeing as I will be gone for another week. hehehe ^_^