Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2009 » May » 22

Archive for May 22, 2009

Lack of Horror and Life

Ok wow. A night filled with cheesy horror flicks. I love when I can laugh at movies that were supposed to scare you. And this is what I get for watching the movies on the channel.

Ok one out of the three “Scary” movies I watched the other night this one actually had me on the edge of my seat. The movie If I die Before I wake. Now I don’t usually ever like watching scary movies, its only sometimes and most of those times I am with Mija. Well anyway, this movie made me anxious and nervous and pissed at the same time. I have no idea what I would do in that situation and movies like this always make me think, would I be able fend for myself? This movie was sad and scary in a “this could really happen” sort of way. I hate not having any muscle or fighting skills. Tsk. Of course when I ask these questions, I always receive the answer, “Yeah if its for your life or a life of a loved one you would be able to fight back.” Now even though I’m sure I would fight for my life or the life of a loved one I’m not so sure I could. I have no strength. Seriously when we would have piñatas at parties I would never hit it with enough force. Ok granted I was a kid, and that wasn’t for life but hey that was for candy you would think I would break it to pieces. Oh and when I was a sophomore during cpr classes the plastic dummy would push me up instead of me pushing down on it. Now thats sad. But no joke I have no body strength. Its pathetic really. I’m just going hope I’m never in a situation where fighting and strength is a must.

Moving on to the next movie is The Toxic Avenger. Now I couldn’t even finish this movie. It was beyond ridiculous, really it is. So I’m not going to really elaborate any more than that.

Next is the movie entitled Dance of The Dead. Sigh I’m not really sure what to say about this one. It was cheesy. But sometimes cheesy is nice. It was a good laugh. But movies like this always make me wonder what about their families? You know just once I would like to watch a zombie movie that wasn’t so stereotypical. I mean everyone knows to kill a zombie you shoot it in the head. And you avoid getting bitten. Sigh duh. I’m sorry but I just think zombie movies need to be planned out more. sigh. But like I said this movie made me laugh. >_<

Now to the news that I am so excited about. Next month season 2 of True Blood starts. I’m so excited, this show is so amazing. I’m still reading the novels by Charlaine Harris, I’m on All Together Dead at the moment. And then I have two more to read until I’ve read all of the ones that are published. I’m not sure how many more she has to write. She said in a Q&A once that she would keep writing as much as they want her to write to continue the series. Of course there are many differences between the novels and the tv series but I enjoy them both. All I know is that I cannot wait for the season 2 to start. I missed this show. I hate when seasons end because then you have to wait until the next season starts and if there is another season. Damn tv shows for running my life.