Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2009 » May » 1

Archive for May 1, 2009

Time Took for Granted

I made the mistake in procrastinating yet another assignment. I hate when I run out of time. I am in desperate need of a brain switching. And I would love to switch brains with a great math mastermind. Any takers?

Ok. I keep trying to making a vlog. But for some reason my flip video files haven’t been working properly. So its taking me longer than usual. I hate that. I don’t know why my video didn’t show up as wide screen. Its bugging me.(new thought) So I applied for a job at my college, and apparently I have to become a part of the student work program. But since I answered no to a bunch of questions I need to put my parents information down instead. However, if my parents make too much money then they won’t hire me. How unfair is that? I’m so annoyed right now. I NEED MONEY!!!!!

I got a text from a friend that I haven’t talked to in awhile. He wanted to hang out this weekend so he could introduce his girlfriend to me. I mean I didn’t think I would be in his ‘must meet my girlfriend’ category of friends. I feel special. However, I can’t hang out this weekend because I’m going to watch RENT!


I can’t wait. It will be two weekends in a row that we spent with Mija.

The deserts we had with Mija last weekend.

Desert at Andre’s for the second time.

Then on Sunday we got some gelato- Italian ice cream. I think it was good. Moms flavor wasn’t that good though. It’s that yellow one, I think it was mango. Mine was strawberry and some cream and caramel flavor.

I want a Munny. I’m not sure why, I just do. I’m sure it will take me a long time before I even decide what to paint on it. (I mean I started painting a Russian doll for my friends birthday in March and still haven’t finished them yet. SORRY MISSY! Eventually I will finish those.) Anyway, I want my friend Hyun to make one, I’m sure his will come out amazing. I’m tempted to just send him one. And make him paint one. I don’t mind getting a 4-inch one. But the getting a bigger one would be nice too. >_<

I should start on my SciFi Final. Its due on Monday, that way all I will have to do is study for History and then I’m done. For this semester anyway. Classes start again on June 8 for me. I only get a Month off but oh well. T_T I think I should just continue on with classes so I don’t get even lazier. Knowing me if I had more than a month off I wouldn’t want to go back to classes in the fall. So I think this is the best for me. Bleh. I need to buckle down. I HATE MATH! IT SHOULD JUST ROLL OVER AND DIE A HORRIBLE PAINFUL DEATH THAT WIPES IT FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Or just from the list of classes I have to take. This is all I ask.

My horoscope the other day, said that I would come into some money. And that my plans for world domination were coming along nicely…..interesting. And I just noticed that for this entry, I put it in all of my categories, minus creative writing. Weird right?