Weekend Fun
Spring break is over. >.< I really don’t want it to end!!!!
So we went home this weekend to drop off the brat…I mean my loving sister Kat. So when we arrived Saturday afternoon, we saw the presents mom had bought us. She bought each of us a suitcase and overnight bag. So freaking adorable, I can’t get over how cute it is. So we went back to JcPenny and she bought herself one as well to match us. Hers has a pink floral print on it and both Kat and I have dots in our favorite colors while Mija’s is blue with wavy lines. I always thought Mija was the matching freak, but she had to get it from someone. Which is totally not a bad thing, I like when things match as well. And when you have two sisters that enjoy most of the same things as you do; buying things in 3?s becomes habit. But of course they have to be different in some way, like color or pattern. lol
I’ve never actually owned luggage before now, and I’ve been wanting an overnight bag for the longest time. I love the shape of it and its similar to the Paperchase ones I’m so in love with. So I’ve been enjoying my time at home, so much so that I wish this up coming week was my spring break so I could stay home for a week. >.<
Already back in Houston and I miss my parents and Kat. Having Kat here for a week was really fun, it ended up feeling normal.. plus she would cook things for us and that is always great. I’m glad I get to come again this weekend. Of course that means going through a week of classes first. -.- Sigh suck it up I know.