More Things I love
Another entry of things I love….I actually keep meaning to vlog but finals are next week and this week has been packed full. >.< I feel like a ball of negative energy, I really hope I pass my cinema and sociology finals.
- Sour Patch Jelly Beans! I just got a ton of Easter candy and this is a new favorite. I shouldn’t be eating it because its not good for my braces but they are sooooo yummy! :9
- The wonderful Mika- He is soooooo adorable!! >.<
3. Fuji Polaroid Camera-Sooooo freaking cute, yet soooooooo freaking expensive. >.<
4. Orchids have to be my favorite flowers. I love drawing them and painting them using watercolor.
5. I love love this robot fabric- I want to make so many things with it. >.<
Can’t wait for the semester to finally be over!!!!