Day 30- Finale
Today is the last day of the challenge. I had a lot of fun, yet I’m sad that its now over. >.< I may not have done every page on time but I still managed to complete the challenge. Plus it was a nice distraction, it kept my mind off of things.
Today’s prompt was….
A thank you This page is to serve as a thank you to someone who has helped you out, inspired you, encouraged you, etc., specifically during this month.
I had so much fun doing this challenge and even though I was sometimes a day late in posting I still managed to complete the challenge. Being apart of this challenge made the start of the summer so exciting. This challenge also took my mind off a lot of things and was an outlet. It also helped me kick start my creative juices. Can’t wait for next years challenge. Hope to see everyone again.
Thanks again. See you next Year!!!