7 Things
Found this 7 things list here and decided to make an entry about it as well.
These aren’t in any particular order, I just happened to put a number beside them. lol But if I ever travel I think I’ll start with places in America first. Seeing as I’ve never been outside of Texas before. I really want to go to Missouri so I can visit the Red Velvet store. I hope I get to see it in person. >.<
There are tons of things I want to make at the moment. But here are 7 things I would like to make. 1.Fabric Folder I also want to make planners for the Ms Etsy store. The covers would look similar to this tutorial. 2. Obi Apron I’ve been wanting to make aprons for awhile now. And I thought this one would be perfect, it looks like a skirt as well. So it could be worn as one. 3. Sack Boy After playing LBP I really wanted to knit one of my own. 4. Crochet Hearts I can’t crochet to save my life. But I really want to learn how to make these hearts. But I haven’t been able to find any video tutorials on how to do so. :/ If I had someone show me, then I feel that I might be able to learn how to crochet. I find it much more difficult to learn than knitting was. 5. Coffee Cozies Another project I would like to make for the Etsy store. I was supposed to make a bunch of different projects for the store. And I haven’t made anything yet. -.- Bad I know. 6. A simple dress I want to take a stab at making a dress. Nothing too fancy something cute and simple. Like this one from the free patterns. But I’m not sure if I could actually make a dress. 7. More messenger bags I really want to perfect making these bags. I also I want to actually learn how to do the button holes with my machine. It seems tricky but I’m going to make an attempt in learning how to do them.
Ok so there are a ton of actors and musicians and authors ect.. that I would love to meet. But here are 7 I wish I could meet. 1. Freddie Mercury He is amazing! Why wouldn’t I want to me meet him? He died three years after I was born, but his death didn’t stop me from admiring him and his music. 2. John Lennon of course he would be another amazing musician I would like to meet. I wanted to put the rest of The Beatles on this list but I think I would be satisfied with meeting John. Plus I have some other people I would like to meet. >.< Such as…3. Neil Gaiman He is one of my favorite authors. And this video makes me laugh so much. I love how creepy he is. XD 4. Dave McKean If I get to meet Neil Gaiman then I hope I get to meet Dave McKean as well. He is so inspiring I immediately want to draw or paint something after seeing his artwork or watching Mirror Mask. He is by far my favorite artist/animator. 5. Keiyu Now I would have put all of Kra but again one member for this list is enough. Especially him he is my favorite member from the Jrock band Kra. He is so cute, I think he is even shorter than me. >.< Such a great singer too. 6. Zooey Deschanel I love love love her. She is so adorable and I can’t wait for her new show to start this fall. I’m so excited for that. 7. Elise Larson..seeing as I really hope to visit her shop. I also hope that while I’m there I get to meet her as well. I love reading her blog. She is just so inspiring that I can’t help but feel like being creative.
I do want my own car now that I can drive. But I know I must wait until I can get one, I’m not picky I don’t really care what kind of car it is. I just want one that is small enough for me to drive comfortably and that is safe. So until I can get a car having a cute vintage bike would be a nice distraction. lol I also really want a Fuji Polaroid camera. I’ve always thought that Polaroids were such amazing cameras. The rest of the list are pretty self explanatory, all things I hope to own some time in the future. But first I need a job to make some of these things possible. -.-
Now there are a million things that annoy me every day, I sometimes feel like everything annoys. But for the sake of this list I picked a few things that annoy me at the moment. Obviously math will forever annoy me, -.- and since I have an eye exam next week it made the list. Number 6 is painfully annoying. Every time I get one I’m miserable and cry due to the pain. GAH its so annoying. And number 7 I like to paint my nails. What I find annoying is having to repaint them because they don’t dry fast enough and mess up. -.- So annoying.
This list doesn’t need explaining. I just had to put Beauty and The Beast and Thumbelina in it. Disney and Don Bluth films are from my childhood and I can remember watching them and I can remember what I felt when I watched them. They made me feel so happy and even at 21 I still can go back and watch these movies because lets face it animation is not as creative as it used to be. Hollywood creativity is dead and they just keep reusing ideas that have already been done. So I’m glad I can return to my childhood favorites and remember a time that animation was golden.
So the only one I want to talk about is froopy which is a word that my dad made up when I kept saying the word frumpy. Kat and him kept saying frumpy wasn’t a real word. So dad then said that I was just being froopy. Which I’m guessing means being weird or something to that nature. But I dunno I just find this word funny because of the story behind it. My dad is so froopy. XD