New Semester and Birthday Magic
So I haven’t updated in a while. Make a long story short…site got hacked. That is why I haven’t updated my blog. But its been too long and I have to update now.
So the new semester has started. I have 3 classes this semester and so far so good. I also have started my first semester as an EA for Gulf Coast. I’m basically their bitch but I don’t care because I’m loving every minute of it. So it almost feels odd trying to blog again after not blogging for an entire almost month. >.<
I’m so tired of things just disappearing. My gmail inbox just decided to erase like 5 years worth of email. Yes its read email, but if I ever needed something I could just search and find it. Email is really handing. I didn’t delete said emails because they are important. I have the past few weeks emails on my cell. But still 5 years? This is almost as bad as my 3yrs of blog entries being erased. But not as bad. Hopefully I will just log on one day to find that they have returned. But odds are…they are gone. -.- Just when I think the internet and I have made up it goes and does something like this. I guess its trying to get back at me for getting a smart phone. pffft Electronics will be the death of me.
Rant over.
Just like a rant to help me get back into the swing of blogging once again. Hopefully I can get a new layout soon for my blog, its time for a change. (hint hint..pokes at Mija) So school is going great so far, I’ve been having a lot of fun. I’m trying this new thing of being more social. But sadly its hard to put myself out there. But I plan to keep making an effort, I wish talking to my classmates wasn’t so difficult. I mean talking to them during a discussion is one thing but talking to them outside of that atmosphere is tricky. I’m not exactly sure why I’m incapable of doing so but I am. -.- sucks. So I turned 22 this month, no real change. But besides getting a new cell phone I had the chance to attend the Star Wars exhibit here in Houston at the health museum. It was AMAZING!!! It was one of the best birthday gifts ever and I had a lot of fun. I got to see original costumes from the movies old and new.
I was in such awe throughout the whole day. I even learned how to put my hair in Leia buns. I just had to do it for the day. I also made myself a skirt out of the same Star Wars sheets I used to make my messenger bag. XD My family joined me on this Birthday Extravaganza and we each wore Star Wars shirts to celebrate the event. Before going to the museum, we ate Bánh mì sandwiches for lunch. Soooo good and reasonably priced for such a big sandwich. :9 So had a great birthday as always. Mija and Jody also bought me a gift card to Joann’s Fabrics. I can’t wait to go busy some new fabric. We are dressing up for Halloween this year because we are having a Halloween party. ^^We are going to be rejected fables this year. I’m going to be Little Red Riding Hood, Kat is going to be Bo Peep, and Mija will be Alice. I just need to make us aprons and maybe skirts and a hood for me. I’m excited to get started. Well I have a ton of home work to get done this weekend. -.- Its the same load of work every week. I don’t know how I’d do it if my classes weren’t once a week.
Gov.- Due 9-26-11
- Pre Quiz
- Post Quiz
- Simulation Quiz
- Chapter Quiz
Writing Projects- Due 9-25-11 @7:30 pm
- Wr. Exercise
- Read Story
Short Story Writing- Due 9-26-11 @2:30
- First full Draft 2500-4000 words max
- Read story
Well I’m off to try and write. And then get some sleep so I can wake up a bit early and clean the house. :/ I hope I can get back to blogging like normal. >.<