Glass Bottle
So I the other day was the first day of the new semester. And I was almost late. >.<
I just haven’t gotten used to sleeping early, I don’t know how I’m going to do it once I start having hw deadlines. I’m taking 3 English classes this semester…suicide I know. But this just means I really have to manage my time better this semester. And work out a schedule so I can get all of my writing done. I hope I have time to work for GC this semester as well. But I can’t even get my sleep back on track. Its 2:51 AM and I’m still up…straightening my hair/blogging. :/ Not a great way to start off the first week of the semester but its a force of habit…and its going to take awhile for me to break this habit. So Tuesday started with Math at 1:00-note to self leave home at 11:20 to avoid being late. >.< But thankfully I arrived just in time. I have to take two buses to get to campus and I miscalculated a little. :I Anyway, I couldn’t decide what to wear to school. I kept changing outfits which is another reason I slept late. >.< I finally went with this outfit pictured to the right. I had trouble finding an outfit to match my new boots. But luckily, I managed to find something to match. And I’m actually proud of myself. The jacket actually matches the boots and it goes well the blue shirt and brown tights. I paired it with my Star Wars bag and voilà – a nice outfit. 😀 I also braided a ribbon in my hair following this video. You can’t really see it too well in the picture but I’m sure I’ll wear it again and take better pictures of it. Ok need to hurry and finish this entry fast. Next up is soda- I hate drinking sodas. I don’t like the feeling it leaves as you gulp it down.
When I think of quenching my thirst I think of water…or lemonade. But recently I’ve been drinking a soda here and there. It started with a vodka soda and branched off to raspberry Smirnoff’s. But its not limited to alcoholic beverages. Oh not at all…hehehe . I’ve actually fallen in love with the soda Izze. I have this weird obsession with glass bottles. I dunno why? But I’m fascinated by them and find them pretty. XD So I bought an Izze soda today to break a 10 so I could put more money on my bus pass. I don’t want to get in the habit of drinking soda because its not good for you. And I’m happy with just drinking water all the time. I don’t know why so many people hate water. My little sister hates drinking water, I guess its too boring for her. But its the same for me when it comes to milk. I can’t stand drinking milk. Minus chocolate milk and the milk in my cereal bowl. But straight milk? Blech. But anyway its already late and I should go to sleep now. I have 2 classes later today and I don’t get home until 7:00 tonight. I hate late classes…but at least its not on Saturday. Don’t ever take a Saturday class you will just die a little inside.
Do you like drinking fruity drinks because they are pretty as well? Or am I just crazy? O.o