So today instead of working on my homework I accompanied The Roomies to PetSmart the other day on a search for a pump for our broken water bowl.
And oh what we found was an abundance of cuteness. I am and forever will be a cat person. Unless, I marry someone who wants a dog in that case I will only allow a border collie, an Australian Shepherd or a corgi because they are sooooooooooooo cute. >.< I might settle for a corgi Shepherd mix but only if it looks like this. Ok so they all pretty much look the same. But what can I can I say? I like what I like. Anyway so I went straight to the adoption center because I love seeing the cats. And I almost died from all the adorableness in the room. This calico pictured on the left was up for adoption. How freaking cute?!!! I wanted to take her home so bad. I also felt like she is looked like the offspring of my roommates’ cats Tomo and Missy. (if they weren’t spayed or neutered) I should have listened to my sister when she said I would want to take a kitty home with me. And now its too late and I’ve laid eyes on this adorable cat. I never really thought about calico cats until I moved in with Mija and Jody. Did you know that calico cats are a female only breed? I didn’t either. But yeah I read it somewhere and its true as far as I know. So along with the cats, I also saw the birds, fish, rodents and reptiles. And one in particular caught my attention.
This lizard, forgot the name of it, was so freaking hyper. And he had so much personality for such a small thing. I mean he kept looking at my cell when I tried to snap pictures of him. So freaking weird but adorable at the same time. I’m not really a reptile person but he was an interesting specimen. And so tiny. If for some reason I wanted a lizard for a pet I would get this little guy. Of course I would be worried to get a pet as small as a lizard, mouse, or hamster. I would be afraid of it getting out and getting lost or getting eaten by Missy or sucked up by the vacuum. So many dangers for small pets that’s is why I’ve only ever had fish and fat cats. Other than that nothing. We looked around for a bit and I continued to walk by the cats again and again until the area started to make me light headed due to full litter boxes. That was enough to stop me from walking in that direction. So my roomies and
I started to look at the cat trees. We’ve been wanting to get something for Missy to scratch and lay on. She has been doing a number on our stairs. The little devil, she is too old to declaw so we’ve ruled out that option. Tomo was declawed when he was younger so he doesn’t need a scratching post. But we would still want a tree that is strong enough to hold his fat ass. Those things aren’t exactly well made if you buy the cheaper one. So Jody thinks he can build one, with help from my dad. We just need to get some carpet pieces and rope to cover it. I’m excited, I hope they can make it soon rather than later. So that was the adventure at PetSmart. We ended up leaving empty handed. On to daily outfit. I keep forgetting to take pictures every day so I only have what I wore on Thursday. The entire week I used the Star Wars bag I made. And because its such a busy print I have to wear grays, blues, and browns. So the entire week I wore outfits that matched well with my bag and my boots of course. I had way more combinations than I thought I did. So yay!! Ok well I screwed up my sleeping pattern once again…-.- damn.
But let me end by asking, are you a dog person or a cat person? And would you consider switching sides for your significant other?