Bug Eyes
First I would like to thank everyone for the good advice. I really appreciate it and so far things are still progressing. I’m enjoying the getting-to-know-him phase. We have also planned our next date. We are going to the movies April 13th. The date may change but so far its sometime that weekend. 😀 So I’ll keep you updated with how things are going.
In other words I want to mention that my sister Mija has posted a design on threadless. So if you could be so kind and just head over there and vote on it I would really appreciate it. 😀 The are only 3 days left of voting. I really hope it gets made into a shirt. Thank you!!! So I just wanted to share some pictures that I haven’t posted it yet. I wanted to discuss the color mint. How freaking beautiful is that color? As you can tell I really love this mint cardigan I have. I pair with just about everything I own. I also love this color of nail polish. Unfortunately, my mint nail polish has gotten chunky and therefore can no longer be used. I really need to learn how to preserve nail polish. I feel as though they die so easily and I must be doing something wrong. We went shopping the day for Mija’s engagement party. I bought this dress, the top of the dress actually matches the top of the cranberry shirt in the first outfit picture. It was what drew me to the dress to begin with. I plan on pairing it with the mint cardigan and some yellow mustard tights and my favorite green boots. XD Hopefully i
t’s not too hot that day. If it is then maybe my blue ballet flats. I really hate that its not cold anymore. I loathe the heat seasons. I enjoy the winter so much more. The fashion is better, and my hair looks great most of the time. >.< In the summer however, my hair hates me it is way too hot and oh it is way too hot. So I noticed the dress I bought right away. I picked it up and immediately rushed to the dressing room to try it on. It’s a tadbaggy in the boob area, but that is always the case with my in between imaginary sized body. :/ Anyway Kat and Mija also bought dresses for the party. Mija had several in mind but finally decided on this one. Kat almost bought the exact same dress as I did, only in a different color, but then she noticed a different dress and changed her mind. I looked on the site for a picture of it but couldn’t find it. I’ll post pictures of us in our dresses next weekend. The party will be next Saturday, I’m excited. 😀 So after Kat and I decided on our dresses and stockings we decided to try on a bunch of different sunglasses . My face just doesn’t look good in sunglasses. Especially the jumbo bug eye ones. It was a great day.
What color are you obsessed with lately? I’m falling asleep as I type this out so I better get to bed. Next entry might be about The Hunger Games. Guess what? Finally watched the first film.