I recently purchased a planner for 2014 as an attempt to be more organized. I mean, I don’t usually have trouble remembering deadlines or anything and I just used the calendar on my cell to remind me. But this year I wanted to return to having a written planner. And I found the best one ever! It’s a moleskine planner with Vader on the cover. It was the only one at Barnes&Noble so I took it as fate.
How perfect is this planner? A planner to match my pocket Star Wars notebook, the Moleskine site doesn’t seem to offer
the Vader planner online, but they have other ones if you’re interested. Zie Darling always posts pictures of her planner, and I love how colorful it is. I always wish I was an artists so I could doodle cute drawings everywhere. And looking at her pictures makes me want to go shopping for post-its and washi tape. Or just office supplies in general. I also wanted to buy a planner for my boyfriend as a birthday present. I wasn’t going to mention him, but now I feel it is safe to do so. Yes, I’m dating again. I don’t intend to go into too much depth, but I’ll share a few things here and there. Like, his birthday weekend. XD He came over Saturday and we watched movies, I bought him cheesecake which he made the mistake of leaving what’s left (it is now all gone) of it at my place. :9Then Sunday we went bike riding all over the place, it was exhausting yet so much fun. We went to the UH campus for my McAlister’s meeting and then from there we went to Les Givral’s Kahve. FYI: He doesn’t like having his picture taken nor does he want it uploaded to the internet. So for now this is all I will post. It was a lot of fun spending this past weekend with him, even though I was sore from using muscles I didn’t even know existed, bike riding is so much fun. It always was when I was little, but now that I can do it as an adult it makes me even more happy. Even though it is a hassle to bring my bike down the stairs and back up when I come home, when I go bike riding with him those little hassles don’t seem to matter, I live in a second floor apartment and I keep my bike on the balcony to get it out of the way. Eventually I hope to be able to lift my bike without any problems. But until then, I will have to look like a weakling whenever I try to get it on/off the bus. >.<
This other picture is after we went to see the movie Her, it was a cold night and he was a gentleman and gave me his extra jacket to wear under my coat. I forgot to return it to him before we parted ways that night so I held it hostage until the next time we saw each other. Super comfy jacket, may have even slept in it. >.< Anyway, so I had a great weekend, ended it with a family dinner. Kat and I don’t get to see our parent’s/the weirdos too often so when we do it’s always nice.
So do you just use your cell calendar to keep yourself organized, or do you prefer actually using a planner? If you do, then do you have a particular planner layout you like, or am I the only one who is picky? XD That’s it for now, I’ll update again soon.
Thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂