Digital Art
I tried my hand at coloring in my drawings in photoshop, pretty time consuming and they are still rough seeing as I have no idea what I’m doing. But I do feel like I progressed during each drawing so that’s encouraging, just have to continue practicing and watching youtube videos for techniques and whatnot.
So here’s doodle #1, still doing the mint hair and meat buns! Eyes are not the same shape, I use my Wacom tablet thing but even with the pen it’s still pretty difficult to outline my sketch. I tried doing this with a different doodle but my lines kept coming out shaky and weird looking. I think this is a lot better than previous attempts and I’m excited to see what future attempts will look like.
Doodle #2 the eyes are the same, because duh, I’m in Photoshop…I can duplicate and flip things. Yay!!! In this one I focused more on the eyes and hair. Didn’t do the copy and flip thing with the actual glasses frame, I was lazy even though it would probably be quicker than trying to outline the second frame again. Why do they both have rosy checks? Well, why not? Ok, I do it because I like the pink and mint color combination and because it makes her look cute… and because I’m inspired by Fran.
Doodle #3- I sort of did 2 and 3 at the same time but finished this one up last. The eyes are a bit too far apart, it sort of makes her look like a bug. >.< But again, it’s a work in progress. I’m sure if I keep practicing I’ll look back at these and think, “what was I thinking?” Heh, just kidding, hopefully I’ll be positive and excited for improving. Of course I’m not very good at repeating drawings. So if I wanted to do a daily doodle of a cartoon me, she would look different every time. These three came out different because I actually intended it that way, but I’m pretty sure if I tried to duplicate either one of these, it wouldn’t happen. Plus, I have no idea how to handle different expressions yet. After I find the face, body will be next followed by scenes. Who knows?