~Review: Olive Traveler’s Notebook~

Alright! I know I said that I wouldn’t need/get a standard size TN…but I did and it’s gorgeous and I love it! I bought it off of Amazon from Asian Vintage TN but here is her Etsy shop, I think it’s easier to navigate. I’ve been obsessed with writing in it, I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with the middle insert. I might do another blog planning insert or a scheduler? Not necessarily a planner though, I’m still using my bullet journal. I might eventually combine the bullet journal with this one, but not until I finish the notebook I’m currently using and also after I finish the next notebook I purchased early. -.- I may be a little hasty when purchasing notebooks. It’s an addiction, I know. But as long as I use the items I’m purchasing then I can accept this addiction…it’s harmless, right?
I’m definitely a stationery addict. My tagline is, I couldn’t help myself. What are your addictions?
Thanks for watching and reading.