Inside Kimmy's Mind » Monthly Moments

Archive for Monthly Moments

~Monthly Moments: July~


Here’s July’s montage video, it took me awhile to clip something together,  I’m happy with how this one came out, I had a lot of clips this month. Mostly of Marco and Eve…my boyfriend’s cats, so I had to x a lot of the tiny stuff to make room for the great memories. Making these videos has been a complete joy, it doesn’t take very much effort. I mean, remembering to film a moment might be troublesome at times but it’s nice to look back on. I’ve been documenting my life in some way or another and I love how it continues to evolve.

August is going to be busy….

  • Miller Outdoor Theater- 8.9.17 (Date night)
  • Mixers – 8.11.17 (Work Event)
  • 2nd Saturday – 8.12.17 (Work Event)
  • Bullet Journal Workshop – 8.14.17
  • Catalysts – 8.17.17 (Work Event)
  • Matt’s brother comes to visit- 8.18-21.17
  • Senior Social – 8.23.17 (Work Event)
  • Hand lettering Workshop- 8.26.17
  • Steering Committee Meeting – 8.31.17 (Work Event)

Even though this is another work crazy month, I’m still pretty happy with where I am in life. I hope your month is filled with good times. I’d love to hear about your July? Or is there anything your excited about happening this month?

Thanks for reading/watching.

~Monthly Moments: June~

I was late editing June’s video, but it was a slow month for me. I did go to Lockhart in the beginning of the month but unfortunately, I didn’t take ANY video clips! I thought I took at least one but it must have accidentally gotten erased. Oh well.

This lack of video pretty much sums up my month of June, lazy but still wonderful. I’ve been relaxing on the weekends and just spending time with family. Again, lovely. July should also be an easy month, which is fine by me, it gives me a chance to continue relaxing before the crazy month of August…can you believe how fast time is going by? I can’t. This

I’d love to hear about your June, even if it was as uneventful as mine. Now on to July….today is the 4th so Matt and I will probably try to find a place to watch fireworks…who knows.

Thanks for watching, see you next time!

~Monthly Moments: May~

Here’s another Monthly Moments video! I had a lot of editing this one…it sort of got choppy in the end, but for the most part, I really like it. These aren’t, by any means, fancy, but I enjoy filming/editing these tiny recaps of my months.


The two key things that happen in every video…1. Cats! Marco and Eve have appeared in every video so far and 2. A clip of my niece! XD I found that funny. I loved the clip of Matt and I laughing…I was trying to take a photo, but it ended up being a tiny clip instead, which was a fantastic moment to capture.  I wish I had recorded more of my time in Austin, but it was just easy to enjoy my time with my sisters and not really focus on pulling out my phone.  But I hope to do better at documenting my trips…hopefully.

Do you remember to take photos of everything you see during a trip, or do you just try to snap photos every now and then?

Thanks for reading and watching.

~Monthly Moments: April~

Here’s the second video in my Monthly Moments series. April went by fast and now here we are in May…busy May .

I have quite a lot of things happening this month, work things and non-work things. Things I’m sort of dreading and things I’m excited for, so it makes the things I don’t really want to do more bearable.  Positive vibes here!!

Here’s a list of things happening in May!

  • May the Fourth Be With You: Mixers & Elixirs (PM Work Event)
  • Cinco De Mayo (Gathering with Matt’s friends)
  • 5.6.17 – Free Comic Book Day, Japanese Festival, Star Wars Art Festival…I think that’s all. w/Matt <3
  • 5.7.17 – Guardians of the Galaxy w/Matt <3
  • 5.12.17 – Dynamo Game w/Matt <3
  • 5.13.17 – 2nd Saturday (AM Work Event)
  • 5.13.17 – JMP Friend’s game night
  • 5.14.17 – Celebrate Mother’s Day!!!
  • 5.16.17 – Bullet Journal Workshop
  • 5.18.17 – Alien: Covenant  w/Matt <3
  • 5.19.17 – Member’s Night (PM Work Event)
  • 5.21.17 – My niece’s 1st Birthday party!!! <3
  • 5.25.17 – Steering Committee Meeting (PM Work Event)
  • 5.26.17 – 5.29.17 : Austin Trip with sisters! + Kat’s Birthday!!!
  • 5.31.17 – Senior Social (AM Work Event)

I think that’s all of it. I may add or cross things off this list as time goes on, but for now….busy, busy, month.

Whether you’re busy or not, how does your month look? 🙂

Thanks for reading ♥


~Monthly Moments: March~

I’m starting this new thing where I film moments during the month and then just piece it together in a montage style vlog. I did not film enough during the month of March but I decided to make one with the shots I did take. It’s really short but I think it’s nice and a great way to look back on the month. I’ve started off strong in April so far, here’s hoping I can keep up with and make the videos the way I imagine them.

Thanks for reading and watching