Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.
Today was weird.
I was able to concentrate in History class today. Even though he is in there. That means it is getting easier for me. I was offered a ride home by different people.
My ex’s dad. Yeah like I am gonna want to drive home with my ex boyfriend who avoids me like the plague. I started walking home by this time because my sweet mom was taking forever. But I do live close so its ok. My second cousin? Ethan offered. It was creepy because a car drove on the side of the road, but then I saw that it was him. He is so nice. I said no because I was almost home I wish I had a car. >_<
I don’t get hit on a lot, but now that it is ok to look at other guys I still feel like I’m not supposed to. I forget that I am now single and its ok to look. It will take me awhile but I think I will get the hang of flirting and dating again. lol Aren’t they cute? They have sour candy in them. I totally want one. But I went to Hastings to buy books for school. I could only find two that I needed. Four more to go, I think I can find them at the school store and hopefully at a cheaper price. My days are getting normal again, I’m not exactly my normal happy self but hey I’m a negative person to begin with. I must think positive. You know I still find the oddest things remind me of him. It sucks. Because I can’t forget them. Yeah I know better to love and lost than to have never love at all. Is that how the saying goes? I heard another saying somewhere, how does it go? “Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.” Yeah. I mean if I remember all the sweet times we had together, he does too right? I mean he was never great at speaking his mind and expressing himself. But he could always say I love you. And I thats something I don’t want to forget. No matter how sad and hard it is.
The me that is doing good is always around. Compare to the me that is reminiscing.