Happy New Year!
2011.. A another year has passed and now another year begins.
Lets see… I turned 21, I moved in with Mija and Jody, I have a potential brother-in-law, I started University, I ride the bus to school , I taught myself to knit, I have braces and I almost sort of kinda have my license. (Not really) Oh and my best friend is pregnant with her first child. -.- But other than that not much happened in 2010. I am still me, I still have the same fears (well I used to be afraid of metro, but that has changed..a bit) along with some new ones. For example, hobos. I never really was afraid of them until I had to stand near them. There really isn’t a reason to be afraid of the homeless. I just feel awkward standing next to one while he is sleeping on the bus stop bench. I just feel like they might think I’m bragging about having a roof over my head and food in my stomach; while also having the luxury of listening to an ipod and texting people on a cell phone. >.< I feel bad for them, but at the same time I feel like if they just tried instead of giving up then they could better their lives. But anyway, they sort of scare me and I try my best not to make eye contact.
Going back to the year that has passed, well its in the past and I guess that is that. Now on to the new year. I hope I can make some new friends this year. I don’t really have any friends at school and I really want that to change. And I am aware that I need to put myself out there and just dive in. But really its not that easy. Not for me anyway, I tried being more outgoing and I wind up with a classmate that just disappears and a stalker that got bored stalking me. (not complaining about that). So if you know the secret to making friends please let me know because I’ve tried and failed. And I would rather succeed.
On to more exciting things…HERE are some exciting art like projects. They each cost 25$ but they seem interesting and fun. But since I don’t have the money to do these I decided to just use this as inspiration to make up my own project. I’ve decided to use the themes from the photo and fiction projects and just be creative with it. By taking a picture to go with a different theme every month or by writing and drawing a story using one of the themes in a journal. And then of course posting it either here or here. Just something to do for fun and to start off the new year on the creative side. Plus this will help me out with the updating my blog more often.
So this months photo theme is From here to there, and for the whole month of January I will take pictures that I think symbolize or deal with this theme. Wish me luck. I’m also thinking of changing my blog layout. I just need to think of how I want it to look. I’m really fond of my current layout but I think its time for a new one.