5 More Things…
Another entry of Things that I love!!! I know it is rather exciting. XD
1. I just bought this book, and now I want to just stay in my room with my sewing machine and get started. It is the perfect instructional book, and it has gotten my creative juices flowing. (that saying kind of grosses me out) >.<
2. Wooden Drawing Hands- I want one sooooooooo bad. Not even just to use it as a drawing aid. But I just find them so cool that I want one in my room. Plus I think it would come in handy when taking product pics for Mind-Speaks.
3. Border Collie- <3 I saw this one at the park when we went to the Indie Book Festival and I couldn’t help but want one. Mija managed to catch him on cam such a cutie. (the pic above isn’t the same puppy on cam) lol
4. berripop !!!! I know I’ve mention this numerous times, but I seriously cannot get enough of this yogurt. It is so freaking delicious.
5. This Eco-friendly brand- I just bought a package of three notebooks from Target. So I gave one to each of my sisters. Look here. I should try to be more Eco-friendly. >.<
That’s it for another week of Things I love…I hope I can keep it up. lol Listing things I love is harder than I thought it would be.