Inside Kimmy's Mind » Day 5- Summer Traditions

Day 5- Summer Traditions

Day 5 is here, and I managed to be pretty early with this one. The last two days I’ve been letting other things get in the way of completely my pages on time. But today I did pretty good. :D

So today’s prompt was….

What are your summer traditions?  We all have different traditions for each and every season right?  What are some things that you do as a tradition each summer?  If you don’t have any traditions, maybe you can create some this summer!!

For me a new tradition for the summer has been summer classes. >.< But I try not to think of that, since that was on my “must do” list.

Some good traditions for me are sleeping late and sleeping in. Along with snacking out on frozen treats and yummy watermelon. :9  I love frozen yogurt, and no better place to get some then berripop!!! Sadly I’ll have to make do with ice cream, since there isn’t a berripop in my town. >.< Oh well. In my town the beach is not pretty, and I don’t like being out in the sun since I burn pretty easily. So if I did go swimming (which I probably won’t) I would go to the rec center. Its an indoor swimming pool. Perfect for those who aren’t fans of beaches and burning. lol I hope to make some more traditions this summer though. Like hanging out with friends when I can.

See you tomorrow with prompt 6. >.<

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