Broke and Dating
So dating when you have no job is difficult.
I mean I’ve never had a job before so I’ve never had money to begin with. And I just recently started dating so I never actually had to worry about having cash on me. As long as I had a couple of bucks on me to put on my Q card I was good. I’m unsure how to handle the subject of money…or in my case lack of money. I know it is customary for the guy to pay for the girl, but I feel bad expecting him to pay for me all the time. I mean he has a job and works to earn his money. Now if I had a job then we could at least split the bill and I would feel better or at least take turns covering it. But I have no money. I actually had this discussion with him. His answer was, “It is absolutely 100% ok, I don’t mind paying for you.” I expressed to him my worries. He then said that if he couldn’t afford it he would let me know. I still feel bad about it, so I told him that we won’t always have to spend money to have fun I mentioned picnics in the park and bookstore scavenger hunts. In Houston there are great hidden bookstores. There is this one called Kaboom that I’ve been trying to locate. So hopefully we can visit a different bookstore on different dates. I’m a cheap date, and I always try to get the cheapest thing on the menu. So continuing on with dates. Mija and Jody wanted to get to know him so the four of us went to our Bánh mì place. He seemed to have like it. I hope he did, because I go there a lot. The sandwiches are $2.50, and that is cheap for such an amazing sandwich. They put this amazing sauce on the meat and I just love it. :9 Oh he picked me some flowers. Yes, like the ones pictured on the left, but the picture is actually of the first ones he picked for me. He sent me a text saying for you, I can’t help but think that was adorable. Flowers are delivered digitally now and days. XD He is so cute. He then said that he felt like an elementary kid picking flowers. The date went great, he was able to converse with my sister and bro in-law. I was worried, because Jay doesn’t play video games and that is typically how my sister and bro establish friendships. XD But they talked about movies and history and camping and seemed to have gotten along pretty well. I’m so glad because I really like him. And if my sister didn’t then it would have been a problem. While we were eating dinner my sister snapped a picture of us. I look horrible in it but I’m sharing it because he looks cute in it. I just wish my mouth wasn’t open. >.< But oh well. I’m having a lot of fun spending time with him and getting to know him. After we had dinner we walked to this other restaurant and had some apple cobbler and listened to live music. It was nice. We then took the train back and got the car and called it a night. I said good night and we made plans to see each other tomorrow. I’m working a table for the Indie book fest. I’m so excited. If you’re in the Houston area, you should definitely check it out…unless you are a hater of books, then do not come. Or do come and change your mind about them. XD I’m also going to meet his middle sister and her boyfriend. It will be my turn to impress an older sibling. >.< I’m so nervous. He has two other sisters and I know how sisters work. It just takes one to have a negative opinion of something and the others will follow suit. So I really need to make a good impression. Because she will be reporting to his other sisters and his mother. I can’t even think about meeting his mother yet. I know I’m gonna be 10 times more nervous when I do meet her. I told my parents about him as well. I even talked to my dad about him, and I never talk to my dad about guys. But he said on the phone that he is happy for me. It was odd talking to him about it, but when he said,”How come I’m always the last to hear about things?” It made me feel kind of bad, so I’m going to include him from now on. I mean I’m an adult now. Why shouldn’t I be able to talk about guys with my father? Especially if I’m going to introduce him to my parents some time in the future. I hope we get to that point. Right now we are still just getting to know each other.
How does your family handle your dating life? Do you have a certain way of introducing him/her to your siblings/parents?
Oh yeah!!! I’m getting my braces off next week!!! I can’t wait!!! XD

Robin Said:
on April 14, 2012 at 9:32 am
He sounds nice so far. I think it’s great that he was so understanding about the money situation. I’ve been there myself. And I understand why you’re nervous about his mom. I think that when we get into our 20s, moms start hoping that their sons will meet younger versions of them.
I first let my mom chat with my husband at the store where we both worked at the time (I had to quit after we got engaged and moved in together). Then we planned a dinner at my parents’ favorite Thai/Vietnamese restaurants that weekend. I thought my husband would feel less awkward if he had already casually met one parent, and both my parents would be more relaxed in a place that we knew they liked.
Kimmy Said:
on April 18, 2012 at 12:37 am
@Robin, “Younger versions of them.”
That is what I’m afraid of. But so far things are still going well. She tells him how she can’t wait to meet me.
I’m thinking of inviting him over to my parents house for dinner. That way they will be in the comfort of their own home when they meet him. My parents have rules that are supposedly common sense when it comes to introducing a boy, who might be something more, to them.
Thanks for the advice. 😀
Melanie Said:
on April 16, 2012 at 8:51 am
You two look adorable! And he sounds like a nice guy 🙂 Even though sisters can be kinda judgey it sounds like, I think its good that he has sisters because he probably has a better understanding of girls/women. My bf grew up with 3 brothers and isn’t too familiar with girl stuff haha
Unfortunately, the first time I attempted to introduce my bf to my parents was at a concert (I was in band in college) and he just didn’t show up. It was a pretty upsetting experience and we ended up going on a break for a little while following it. It probably didn’t make the best impression on my parents, either. Luckily he got his act together and he ended up coming over around Christmas-time where he met them for the first time, and we’re all cool now. I don’t have any siblings so luckily didn’t have to deal with that =p
Kimmy Said:
on April 18, 2012 at 12:41 am
@Melanie, Thanks. XD
Yeah I’m glad that he has sisters. Because you’re right, he has this understanding about women because of it. He is really sweet and I love that he is so family oriented. That is important to me because if my family doesn’t like the guy I’m dating then it won’t work out. So I’m hoping his family likes me as well. But so far things are going great and I’m extremely happy. Thanks for sharing your experience with me. 😀
Jessica Said:
on April 25, 2012 at 12:44 am
Ohh. 🙁
We (His sisters) are not that judgmental. We just want him to be happy with someone who treats him right. I liked you before I even met you, you make him happy and smiley. I like that. I do apologize for our first meeting, you’re right, I’m pretty shy and I don’t really talk much. I’m told, I’m not welcoming with new people. I guess I don’t do well with people, but I’m working on it. As for my other sisters, the oldest one is a people person and super friendly ( She lives in Tennessee, you may or may not meet her. Not sure if she will be visiting this summer) and the youngest one is similar to me (Not good with welcoming new people, but a little better than me). Actually, the rest of the family is the same way. : / My parents will definitely like you, though. I hope this will give you a heads up. I don’t want you to come visit us and think that we don’t like you, we do. We are just more introverted than people would like us to be. Our downside. Sorry for all the rambling, I’m half asleep and I’m not sure if I make sense. Heh. I look forward to meeting you again. Please, don’t be nervous. We like you already. 🙂
kim Said:
on April 25, 2012 at 1:36 am
@Jessica, I apologize if my post offended you in anyway. It wasn’t my intention for it to come off as judgmental. As his sisters, he respects your opinion. And I really just want to give a good first impression. And you absolutely have nothing to apologize for. Our first meeting was a success, I mistook your shy nature for being uncomfortable. I’m not a people person either, I’m told I often give a “go to hell” look and that is why people see me as unapproachable. Thank you for the heads up, and I look forward to meeting the rest of your family. 😀