Concentrating is difficult when there are a bunch of things I’d rather being doing.
This semester is the first time I’ve had such an overload of crap to get done. Here is my current list of stuff to get done.
2Peer critiques- due 4-30-12- Paper 2 revised-due 5-2-12
- 10 pg paper- due 5-2-12
- Test (in class)- 4-30-12
- Test (take home)-5-7-12
Portfolio- due on 5-1-12- Reflective 4 pg Essay (included in portfolio)
- Final- 5-10-12
-.- I’m tired just thinking about all the things I have to do. I just can’t wait for this semester to be done. I want to enjoy the month I have off before I start classes over the summer. :/ That’s right…more school. I go home every summer and take a few classes at the community college in my home town. It’s cheaper and my parents enjoy having me home. Of course this is the first time I actually have a bigger reason to want to stay in Houston. Sadly, staying isn’t an option. But hey that is when technology comes in and helps make things easier.
Anyway, I jut finished putting my portfolio together and now I am working on my reflective essay. And then once that is done I can start writing my Shakespeare essay, I’m thinking five pages tonight and five tomorrow, but I also have a Shakespeare test to study for. I’m freaking out about that. The plays I should be re reading are….
- Henry The Fourth
- Macbeth
- Antony and Cleopatra
- Coriolanus
And then my 10 pg essay has to be over a specific act out of all of the plays we’ve read this semester. >o< And then of course there is the take home test that is due on the 7th and that i essentially an essay in itself. My professor is a horrible person!!! There are so many things I’d rather be doing, like figuring out what to get my sister for her birthday. She is turning 19 this year.
I just needed a break from writing. Yeah and I decided to blog as a break? I dunno, I’m weird that way. Once finals are over I’ll post more exciting things along with cute make-you-sick date pictures. I’m happy. XD
Do you follow a study schedule when finals roll around? Or do you just wing it and somehow make it out unscathed?

Robin Said:
on April 30, 2012 at 8:57 am
Take-home tests are usually great, but I don’t like the ones that are basically essays. I like multiple-choice because you know that something has to be the answer. Essays are frustrating because the instructor can up with some trivial little reason to give your writing a low grade.
Kimmy Said:
on May 1, 2012 at 4:34 am
@Robin, My teacher is a sadist!!! I don’t mind essays, but I’ve been writing every for the past week. I’m just rundown and can’t take it anymore. And not having a clue what my essay will be over is rather frustrating. Right now I’m at the point where I’m trying to get the easier projects out of the way. But I still remember I have that 10 pg essay to write. I am doomed. -.-