New Hair Same Me
So I finally got my hair cut. I believe it’s been about 2 years since my last hair cut. o.o Crazy I know.
I’m always a little hesitant when it comes to getting my hair cut. I feel like if I go in thinking it will come out horrible then it won’t come as a shock if it does. Pessimistic I know. But I also try to remember that hair grows back and I will just have to deal with it until it does. People definitely put too much pressure on their hair. I think this is the shortest I’ve ever gotten it cut. I do sort of miss my long hair. But it’s refreshing to have all of that weight off. My hair is thick and there is always a lot of it. It takes forever to straighten it so I do like the new length. What I do hate about it is the length of my bangs. The girl who cut my hair, cut my bangs way too short so they look extremely awkward if I wear them down. And every time I straighten my hair I get a little angry at her. She didn’t even cut them all the same length, one side is a bit shorter and then there are a few random strands longer than the rest it is a mess. But again I need to remember that it will grow out and I will just have to find some way to pull them back until they do. The girl who cut my hair graduated with me and she’s only been cutting hair for a year. So of course she wouldn’t be great at it. It was actually really weird to have someone I went to school with shampooing and cutting my hair. She was going to cut a little girls hair but suddenly gave that customer to another hair dresser who was busy straightening her own her instead of focusing on the customers. -.- No one in my hometown can cut hair. After I finish showering and I start to straighten my hair I get a bit peeved when I see just how short my bangs are. They are so short that it makes pinning them back difficult. Too short even for a headband. So I do get a a bit frustrated. But whatever because it will grow back.
This is my mantra for the next couple of weeks…wait how fast does hair even grow? According to Google, it grows half an inch every month. -.- Which is bullshit, because before this hair cut I had a problem with keeping my bangs always being too long. I’m going to be frustrated for a while.[audio:|titles=SummerHouse-GoldMotel] Thanks to Pandora I’ve been finding a bunch of great new music. It makes walking to school more fun.
Today was my first day of class. I’m just taking one, a math class, and I’m going to to PASS it this summer. That should actually be my new mantra. -.- This class is a 6 week class, I’ve never taken a 6 week class before so I hope I can keep up with the lessons. I’m not worried about homework or the online quizzes, it’s the in class tests and quizzes that I’m worried about. But I’m going to work hard so I can get this over with. My class ends July 9th, so I’ll have about 6 weeks of summer before my classes at UH start, which is awesome. I hope my sister Kat is able to spend a week in Houston with me before her fall semester starts. Today was fun, after my class I met up with Kat and we had lunch together. BC, aka baby college, went through a lot of remodeling since the last time I was enrolled. It looks really nice, I’ll make sure to take pictures the next time. Of course its not like I have any before pictures but still I want to show it off. Anyway, they now have this little grill and that is where we bought our lunches. I bought a chicken salad sandwich. I have a chicken salad sandwich bucket list going on. It’s my goal to try one from every place that has it on the menu. Pot Belly is the champ and I think it will always be the best in my book. But today’s sandwich was pretty good for $4. I got spinach, lettuce and cucumbers on it. :9 It was a good day, I came home and took a satisfying nap on the couch. Love naps. Well I’m off to read…wow it is such an awesome feeling to be able to snuggle up with a book. 😀
So how do you handle bad hair cut? Do you high tail it out of the salon and then wear hats until it grows out? I wanna to know, and if you have any advice on working with bangs that were cut way too short let me know. :3

Robin Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 3:22 am
You could try to shorten the longer side with some scissors; I’ve had to do that a couple of times.
kim Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 2:04 pm
@Robin, I’m afraid to cut anything. >.< Last thing I need to do is make it worse. *repeats mantra* I just need to be patient...-.- I hate waiting. lol Thanks for reading and commenting.
Brittany @ Delightfully Awkward Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 8:48 am
I’m sorry you had a terrible experience 🙁 My last haircut was a disaster too, the girl made my hair black instead of a dark brown, and she cut my bangs (which had just grown long enough to tuck behind my ears) in layers. Who does that to BANGS? Anyway, I have just been telling myself the same mantra of “it will grow out, it will grow out.” Of course, now my roots are already showing since my hair is naturally light & I’m terrified to get back in the chair haha. I hope your hair grows quickly the way you want.
kim Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 2:10 pm
@Brittany @ Delightfully Awkward, Thanks. I know I shouldn’t let this bother me as much. But when I can’t do anything with my hair I tend to get frustrated. I told the hairdresser to only trim my bangs a little bit. *REPEATS MANTRA* I hope your hair turns out the way you want it to. And thanks for reading and commenting. :3
Kristen Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 10:10 am
I know how you feel about the lousy haircut! I hate professional hairstylists! I go in and sit down, tell them what I want, and they end up just doing whatever they feel like doing, regardless if it resembles what I asked for. I was so mad, I learned to cut my own hair. I haven’t had it cut by a “pro” in five years.
I’m not as good as you at remaining calm and remembering that it will grow back!
kim Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 2:13 pm
@Kristen, Wow five years?! o.o That’s amazing. I don’t get my hair cut often, but I was in need of a cut. I just hope that it doesn’t grow back weird. I was looking at the rest of my hair, since I’ve mainly been focused on my bangs, and I noticed that she didn’t even cut the rest of the hair right either. She just hacked away at it. -.- But *repeats mantra* I just have to keep that in mind.
Thanks for reading and commenting.
HillyG Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 12:21 pm
I’m sure your hair looks great but I hear you on the hair cutting anxiety! I used to be a hairstylist and now every time I go to get my hair cut, it gets chopped and destroyed. It leaves me miserable until it grows out. But not all hairdressers are bad – some of us really listen but sometimes what you want and what looks good are two totally different things. My sister is also a professional hair stylist and the best hair cut I ever had was from here…when she was just learning how to cut hair.
I hope school goes well for you!
kim Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 2:19 pm
@HillyG, I’m sure being a hairdresser is tough. Which is why I kept in mind that the girl who did my hair was a novice so I didn’t see the need to gripe at her. And you are right, which is why I always ask the hairdresser what will look good? They never really have an answer. The hairdressers in my hometown aren’t exactly good. And that is awesome that your sister is a hairdresser as well. I also should keep in mind that it could have been a lot worse.
And thanks I hope I pass this time. -.-
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Mija Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 7:17 pm
Your hair looks cute – just cut out some bangs with construction paper.
kim Said:
on June 6, 2012 at 7:20 pm
@Mija, XD That won’t work Nina. But thanks.
Tobi Said:
on June 8, 2012 at 10:03 am
Sorry about your bad haircut! That’s always so annoying. What I’ve learnt is not to tell professional stylists what to do so much (or how to do it). They tend to get it all wrong then, mostly. I just tell them I want something really cute, or edgy, etc. That way, they tend to do styles that they actually are good at. This has worked out for me and my hairstylists so far…. All the best with school too!
-checking in from 20sb
kim Said:
on June 11, 2012 at 3:09 pm
@Tobi, That’s a good idea. But usually the stylists ask me what I want. And when I ask them what would look good? They usually say, I dunno. And even though hair grows back, I’m not really brave in trying new hair styles.
Thanks for reading and commenting.