So something strange happened on Monday. I was asked for my number. I was thrown off but talk about an ego boost. Is that a terrible thing to say? >.<

While on my way to school the bus driver decides to stop in front of Luby’s. -.- Amazed by this I turn to the person seated next to me and ask,”Is he stopping to get food?” The bus dude just laughs and shrugs. Then I say,”Ohhh potty break.” I replace my headphones in my ear, I stay plugged into my ipod while riding the bus. But then the bus dude says,”I had a driver stop every now and then to read his book.” I was ready to go back to my music never expecting the bus dude to actually speak. He then asks me what my book is about. So I tell him about my book, Mexican Enough by Stephanie Elizondo Griest. We then start talking about school and being Mexican. XD He attends TSU, but will be transferring to UH next semester. Now before you misunderstand, I am in no way trying to start up a relationship with this seemingly nice person. I’m definitely not ready to be in one after what happened back in May. Besides, I don’t fall for a guy just because he pays attention to me. The experience before hand has definitely taught me a lot. With bus dude, I’m simply talking to him so I’ll just sit back and enjoy the conversation. Whatever happens will happen. I don’t even know if I’m attracted to him. He is nice. He makes me laugh and we have things in common. But I dunno, I just think it’s too soon for me. He hasn’t made it to the potential boyfriend list yet.
We attended a reading on my campus. I was excited to hear ZZ Packer, she is just an amazing writer. Anyway,when I do start dating again I’m hoping to meet a guy, not a writer (reason found here), who can appreciate other writers and enjoy attending readings and art galleries without being bored. Bus Dude is like that. But I made a pro con list because it’s something I do.
Pros So Far
- Not a writer
- plays several instruments but isn’t a musician
- Huge Nerd…like me
- Likes video games
- References Disney movies
- Enjoys Readings
- Non-smoker!!!
Cons So Far
- Attends a different college (until next semester)
- Soft Spoken (or I’m hard of hearing)
- Me not being ready to pursue anyone at the moment
These are just the pros and cons that I’ve compiled so far. But I explained to him that I wasn’t ready to start anything but would like to continue getting to know him as a friend. If I were to pursue any guy he would end up being my rebound. And NO ONE deserves that. He said he would like to continue as well and if something transpires then awesome. But the current me is fine being single and calling him a new friend. Anyway going back to the evening, after the reading he asked if I was hungry so he treated me to dinner. He said it was for my birthday, so I let him pay. But next time I intend to pay for myself. I had a nice time, again he seems great, but I’m glad that he is ok with just being friends at this point. I see him on the bus on my way to school so we will continue to talk in person and then there is always texting. But not sure if we are going to hang out again anytime soon. We shall see.
[audio:|titles=Whenyouresmiling-LeftoverCuties]Song of the day is When You’re Smiling by Leftover Cuties. What are your thoughts on rebounds? Ever been one?
Thanks for reading.

Kristen Said:
on September 14, 2012 at 11:07 pm
Ohhh I like this guy! He seems pretty cool!
Kim Said:
on September 15, 2012 at 9:19 am
@Kristen, Yeah, but I’m not letting myself get too excited about it. Last time I got excited and it didn’t end too well. :/
Robin Said:
on September 17, 2012 at 12:45 pm
He seems cool so far. The times when you aren’t ready or don’t want a relationship are often the times when someone comes into your life. I admire you, though, for not wanting someone to just be your re-bound.
Kim Said:
on September 17, 2012 at 8:18 pm
@Robin, Yeah, it was strange. It just sort of happened. But hey you can never have too many friends. 😀
And I would never want to use someone like that so I made sure to be upfront with him before anything happened.
Joy Said:
on September 18, 2012 at 3:13 pm
I think you’re handling this pretty maturely and very well and to my surprise, it seems as if he is handling fine too. Some guys don’t want to be just friends. It’s really nice that you’ve made a new friend all while being completely straight forward this him.
BTW, there is never anything wrong with a pro/con list lol. I do it for the smallest reasons like which cat food to buy haha!
kim Said:
on September 18, 2012 at 7:46 pm
@Joy, Yeah I’m surprised as well. Some guys get all mad and start throwing out words like tease. I didn’t want to give Bus Dude too much information right way so I just explained to him that I’m currently happy in my single hood.
I LOVE pro con lists. I make them before I put a guy on the potential boyfriend list. XD
Inside Kimmy's Mind » Piece of My Mind Said:
on October 13, 2012 at 6:09 pm
[…] I guess my friendship with bus dude isn’t going to work out. Yesterday, we had a conversation that did not end very nicely. I had […]