So here’s another currently creative post, I’ve actually have quite a bit to share with you.
So I’m not much of a cook/baker. I’m horrible at following cooking instructions and I’m very impatient. I do however enjoy being an official food taster. I have no problem eating any of the delicious foods my sister Kat decides to make. And the great thing about having a sister who plans on becoming a pâtissier is getting to eat all of her yummy creations. Once I discover a recipe for her to tackle she usually always decides to try it out. The results are always wonderful and it’s always fun to see her mind work while attempting new recipe.
This weekend I asked her to attempt a macaroon recipe. And boy are these desserts difficult to take on. So much of it relies on timing, if you don’t stir it long enough you could cause the cookies to crack, if you stir too much you could cause them to flatten. They have to develop what is called feet. And that’s the little ridges you see on the bottom of each macaroon cookie. After our first batch, Kat discovered that she stirred the batter too much. The second batch came out beautiful. They had feet and the tops were smooth, they were just perfect…except we didn’t let them cool down and tried to peel them off the wax paper. Which lead to hallow cookies. -.- We figured they needed to cook some more and unfortunately burned them. We had enough powder sugar to try one last time so during our third try we decided to make them blue. They came out a bit bumpy and uneven with a green tint to it, but they were absolutely delicious. Kat made this raspberry filling and I’m just excited to try again because I know the fourth time they will be even better.
Ok, now on to my interests. Writing…to be more precise, notebooks. I am obsessed with notebooks. I am picky with notebooks. It’s both a blessing and a curse, but I see myself as an avid notebook collector. I usually write in them but it is very rare when I complete one. It has gotten easier to fill a notebook from cover to cover but as a child I found it most difficult. I always found another one I liked more and immediately started writing in the new one. It’s the same way now, but now it’s just about saving the notebook until I need it. Obviously Moleskines are one of the best notebooks around…but pricey. But after seeing this one I just had to buy it. I’ve had it for awhile now and still haven’t filled it. I think part of me is afraid to fill it up because then I won’t have it to carry around anymore. It’s one of two notebooks that I always have on me, the other one is from Green Inspired and I am in love with this brand. I bought these small notebooks awhile back, they came in a pack of three so I shared with my sisters. Please bare with me. Each one was a different color, red had New York on it, blue was London, and green was Paris. Our favorite colors. And they were drawn in this continuous line sort of way. (pictured above) However, they are also our birthstone colors. Kat had dibs on Paris which just happened to be her birthstone. I always found it interesting how we had each others favorite colors as our birthstone.
- Mija’s is ruby- Red, one of Kat’s favorite colors.
- Mine is sapphire -Blue, Mija’s favorite color.
- Kat’s is emerald-Green, one of my favorite colors.
Colors are pretty big with us. And we enjoy matching so it sometimes causes situations to be difficult when they shouldn’t be. I can’t really explain it because not many people would understand even if I could. Just know, we are weird when it comes to color coding and such. Anyway, so we went to Target recently and I found a new series of Green Inspired notebooks. Same idea, three notebooks. New York, London and Paris. Each a different color with one difference. Instead of red, New York was orange. It screwed up my decision in buying them. Yes I know I’m weird. But I really liked them so I went ahead and bought them… after much deliberating. Pros and cons were listed. XD So much trouble for the purchase of three notebooks.
After all one can never have too many notebooks. Do you have an obsession/collection? Or am I just strange and take it too far?
Robin Said:
on March 11, 2013 at 4:58 am
I’ve wanted to try macaroons before but they look so complicated!
I also like notebooks a lot lately. I’ve been writing my more private thoughts in a journal that my husband bought me. I hope that physical paper planners/notebooks/journals continue to be popular.
kim Said:
on March 11, 2013 at 4:03 pm
@Robin, Believe me so complicated. But totally worth trying out. It just takes practice.
Me too. I love hard copy notebooks. They are just so fun to have and I really like going back and seeing how different my handwriting looks and the strange things I wrote down. It’s just really nice.
Kristen Said:
on March 11, 2013 at 8:18 pm
OMG I have the SAME problem with notebooks! I have an entire Rubbermade container full of half-used notebooks! It’s terrible.
Those Macaroons sound really hard. I love baking, but I don’t think I have the patience to conquer that recipe. I admire you guys for trying so many times!
kim Said:
on March 18, 2013 at 5:34 pm
@Kristen, I love having and buying notebooks. But I’m actually pretty picky about them.
They were really fun to make and they were delicious.
If my sister wasn’t with me then I would never have tried to make them, I’m just glad she didn’t get too frustrated. XD
Chazz Said:
on March 11, 2013 at 9:59 pm
omg the notebooks are cute! I feel you, friend, because I can’t go to a bookstore without checking out one or two cute notebooks XD My sister always warn me everytime we go there to not buying them anymore because I didn’t even use it (they’re too cute to be doodled with my ugly handwriting!) and and.. I can’t even bake cupcakes… whatmore macaroons =.= you are so lucky to get to taste them homemades ^^
p/s: you have a lovely layout!
kim Said:
on March 19, 2013 at 11:14 pm
@Chazz, I know! I love notebooks! And I love buying them.
I can’t bake/cook anything so I’m very lucky my sister makes such yummy goodies. :9
And thank you, my older sister made my layout. She’s great.
Also, thanks for reading/commenting. 😀
Joy Said:
on March 21, 2013 at 1:26 pm
Macaroons are super hard to make. Funny thing is, when I got my first cookbook from Josh 4 years ago, one of the books had a recipe for them in it. I didn’t know what they were at the time but all I knew what they is said it was a “cookie” so I whipped up the batter and it looked weird to me but I made them anyway. When they came out, it looked so weird and the texture was nothing like a regular cookie so I threw them away. Now that I know better, I realize that I actually did the recipe right lol.
kim Said:
on March 22, 2013 at 12:30 am
@Joy, They were so difficult! But I think if we were to try again they might even come out better.
They are an interesting looking “cookie”. Do you ever plan on trying the recipe again?
Kat Said:
on March 22, 2013 at 9:52 am
I’m definitely getting it right the fourth time!! XD lol and thanks for the new notebook kimmy I love it <3