“I guess I’m not as good at masking my pain as you are.”-words from Kim
I am in pain. (I was in pain. I’m better now.)
Basically this whole paragraph is old news. I just didn’t post this right away. >_<
I woke up Sunday morning with a crick in my neck.My neck hurts so much. Then again not as bad as it did the night before. It was horrible, I laid down on my back while using a neck pillow (which didn’t help and I ripped it)>_< Sad really. I couldn’t turn over after that, I finally got back to my side. I probably looked ridiculous. So anyway its getting better. I just need another day or so, to be completely back to normal. This is practically how my neck and back is every time I am on the computer. More than a bad habit right? I read that cricks are caused by muscle spasms, or chill or cool air hitting the area that has the crick, and poor sleeping posture. I never thought I had poor sleeping posture. I sleep normal I thought. lol Head on pillow, sometimes on my side or back. How could that be poor?

I can’t decide which cover to buy. But I really want it. I doubt I can get it right away (and I doubt I can get both covers), because I just bought AAoK, and Undine. Here’s hoping *crosses fingers* I love John Green’s style of writing. At first I wasn’t sure if I would but I love it. I found another favorite author and that’s surprising. I usually don’t make an author a fav. until I finish their book. He is hilarious. You should read his books too! I hope I can buy it. If not I will complete the note in cover step. watch youtube link to understand that.

Inside Kimmy's Mind » Damn Crick Said:
on January 8, 2012 at 5:56 pm
[…] better thanks to Kat and my loving mom. Its still a bit sore but nothing compared to Tuesday. Sound familiar? The last time I had one was in 2008. And the only reason I remember this is because I spent most […]