Currently…in a daze
So I bring you another post that is basically an update on life things…enjoy.

Reading : I should be reading Mrs. Dalloway by Virgina Woolf for my lit class, but I’ve been neglecting it, I’m just really not liking this class. There are books I wish I were reading though. To name a few, Room by Emma Donoghue, An Underachiever’s Diary by Anastas, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams…I could go on but then the list would never end.
Watching : Family Guy. But it’s an old episode, I’m just waiting for the midseason finale of Walking Dead to come on. I know I’m gonna be pissed if they kill off any of my favorite characters.
Thinking about: My never ending to do list. So many things need to get done in so little time. So much so that it calls for the cliche. I’m tired just thinking about this list. -.-
Not looking forward to : Moving day. I’m worried about how we are going to move my furniture, I have two couches and they are surprisingly heavy. :/ Plus I hate packing and moving, the 15th is fast approaching and it worries me.
Looking forward to : Living in my new apartment and already being unpacked and moved in.
Listening to: Commercials. Just need some background noise.

Here are some instagram pics from the past few months. Next entry I hope to post will be a vlog, I haven’t made one in awhile and I’ve been wanting to. I’ve also wanted to start the favorite places series that I mentioned several entries ago. Here’s hoping.

Kristen Said:
on December 2, 2013 at 8:43 am
I am so jealous of your knitting skills!
If I were anywhere near by, I would gladly help you move your stuff! Sadly, I will have to settle for sending positive thoughts from afar and keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well for you this time around!
Kimmy Said:
on December 4, 2013 at 8:51 pm
@Kristen, Thanks for the positive vibes! 🙂 And if you’re ever in Houston, stop by and I’ll gladly give you a knitting lesson. XD Until then, I’ll send you things when I can.
Joy Said:
on December 3, 2013 at 1:24 pm
I just started knitting and cable stitches are my favorite! That website has helped me so much with learning to knit. I guess thats how I picked it up so fast. I love the colors you pickedQ
Kimmy Said:
on December 4, 2013 at 8:58 pm
@Joy, Yeah, this site has definitely been helpful. I get so excited when I see a new stitch I want to try, I’m still struggling with thumb gussets though. But I’ll eventually get the hang of it. XD