More to Gush About
- Waiting on brunch!
- Marco and Eve
- <3
- Cogsworth!!!
- Holiday Work Party
- Nilla the Mini Donut Cat
I enjoy the holiday season, the nice cool weather, when we have it, the yummy smelling candles and spending time with family. But also because I really enjoy making/finding and wrapping gifts for my loved ones. I’d like to think I do a somewhat-good-job at the whole gift giving thing. Sometimes?
I try to anyway. However, there are times when I can’t seem to figure out exactly what to get and this is one of those times. Well, I have something but every time I look at it I get more and more doubtful. The gift I’m speaking about is for a special someone, yup- for he who is known as boyfriend. OK, that was a bit dramatic of me, but it’s still odd for me to even type out. His actual name is Matt and I adore him. He, of course, is great at the whole gift giving thing. He bought me the Cogsworth Funko Pop figurine! (Pictured above) It’s been one of those things I kept meaning to just order online but never got around to it. He just surprised me with it, a thank you for cat sitting his adorable kitties. And then he surprised me with a Pastry Pet that he got on a recent trip to Seattle. Meet Nilla the Mini Donut Cat, made by MarninSaylor. It’s so cute!!! These unexpected gifts make me smile, he makes me smile. I hope to become as attuned with him and the things he likes as he is with me. I get excited whenever I learn something new about him so I don’t see being unsure about his gift as a bad thing…I just hope he likes it.
That’s all for now…more to gush about next time. I wish you a happy holiday, I’m looking forward to the new year and I hope you are too.
Thanks for reading.

Georgie Said:
on December 26, 2016 at 9:13 pm
You guys are so cute together! I’m so happy to see you happy and I was pretty overjoyed that you finally got photos with him and you were willing to share them on your blog haha ❤️
I think that in time you will come to notice your boyfriend’s quirks and the little things he likes, so you’ll be able to weave that into a gift. I find that paying attention to little things definitely helps. I’ve gotten Nick a few little surprises just by knowing and paying attention to what he likes. ? We had a really tiny discussion (like less than a minute!) about socks, and I knew that next time I got him a gift it would some funky dress socks haha. It was a good idea. But generally, men are hard to buy things for haha… I don’t blame you for struggling a bit. Some men are easily pleased and some aren’t! ?
Hope you have a lovely holiday!
Kimmy Said:
on December 27, 2016 at 1:41 am
@Georgie, Awww, ❤️❤️
Yes, I’m constantly asking for photos now and planning out blog entries with it.
Guys are hard to shop for, and Matt tends to buy himself the things he wants right off the bat. And some of the things he’s interested in have some specifics and I won’t know enough of those specifics….yet. But I hope the gift I picked out makes him happy.
And socks are wonderful, and they make great gifts. I shouldn’t worry too much though, and just continue getting to know him. But his gift to me is a weekend trip to Austin so I’m now worried by the size of my gift. >.< Thanks for rooting for me! Happy holidays to you too!
Kya Said:
on December 31, 2016 at 2:13 am
Awww, that was so nice of Matt to get you that gift, and it looks adorable. I hope you both have a great 2017! 😀
Kimmy Said:
on January 4, 2017 at 12:54 pm
Thanks! I was surprised, he’s pretty great at picking out gifts.
I hope your year is great as well!! 😀
Jamie Said:
on December 31, 2016 at 2:35 am
Aw, I love it when our boyfriends surprises us with something like that. You guys are totally adorable.
I honestly can’t believe how far we all have come in life. Tristan and I will be celebrating our 4th year anniversary together on January 8th. I can’t believe how far we have come.
Kimmy Said:
on January 4, 2017 at 1:01 pm
Thanks so much!
Congrats on the anniversary!
Time just moves so fast now, I can’t believe it.
I’m looking forward to the rest of 2017.
Cat Said:
on January 1, 2017 at 1:27 am
Aww, this is a cute entry! I’m so glad that he makes you happy 😀 It’s funny how significant others can be hard to get gifts for. I’ve been with my husband for 11 years, and I still struggle sometimes! I hope he liked it though!
Kimmy Said:
on January 4, 2017 at 1:04 pm
@Cat, Thank you. 😀
I feel like it’s hard because guys usually get the things they want themselves. I kept trying to figure out what I could get him and I switched between several different things. I landed on some custom MTG metal keychains. He liked them. But I’ve already given him 4 keychains or things to hang from somewhere. XD I really like keychains but that doesn’t mean other people need their favorite things on a keyring. But I’m happy he liked them.
Alissa Said:
on January 6, 2017 at 1:11 am
You deserve all the gushes that you get! 🙂 How cute are those kittens? Anyway, more love and happiness coming your way this 2017.
Kimmy Said:
on January 6, 2017 at 10:09 am
@Alissa, Thanks so much!!!
Same to you!
Rae Said:
on January 11, 2017 at 8:15 am
It sounds like you and Matt have such a lovely relationship and he sounds like such a thoughtful boyfriend!
Rae | Love from Berlin
Kimmy Said:
on January 11, 2017 at 4:07 pm
@Rae, He really is amazing. One of the most understanding and nicest human beings I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to know. Let alone actually get to spend time with.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Your blog is so freaking adorable!
Elisha Said:
on January 16, 2017 at 5:57 am
First of all, I really find your blog so really adorable and I am so thankful that I stumbled in!
You are so right about that! I am having a hard time choosing a present for my other half as well! If it’s easy to buy some gifts for girls like us then to the boys it’s just another way around! Hahaha!
Such a lovely post! Have a nice day babe and I hope you could visit my blog if you have time!
Elisha |
Kimmy Said:
on January 17, 2017 at 10:49 am
@Elisha, Thanks so much for stopping by. Your blog is adorable too!
I don’t know why it’s hard to shop for boyfriends.But, I’m learning and I think I’ll do even better next Christmas. XD
Thanks for reading and commenting. ❤❤❤
Nancy Said:
on January 16, 2017 at 12:05 pm
I’m sure you do a good job considering how you make the effort. Your boyfriend is super sweet for getting you gifts that you love! I know I get excited when I learn some cool stuff about my boyfriend, so you’re not alone! 🙂
Kimmy Said:
on January 17, 2017 at 11:32 am
@Nancy, He’s absolutely the greatest so I want to put my whole heart into picking out gifts for him.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂
Kathryn Said:
on January 16, 2017 at 2:06 pm
Such a cute post! I love those photos of you two, and the happiness I see. It’s always a really nice surprise when people gift us with little things unexpectedly.
Kathryn •
Kimmy Said:
on January 17, 2017 at 11:39 am
@Kathryn, Thanks so much! 😀
I always feel awkward when taking photos with people, but he makes it fun.
Thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂