~Anime Matsuri 2017~ Rogue and Gambit
My fringe extension was so hard to keep on my head. I kept laughing and messing with it and the wind wasn’t much help either. I might op for an actual Rogue wig next time, who knows? This was supposed to be casual though.
I normally have a fringe, it wasn’t really behaving. It kept getting in the way of the extension and making it slip. But it’s probably because I didn’t put it on properly. I still had a lot of fun walking around with Matt and we actually got recognized by several people. Two people even asked to take our photo. I wish I had given them my email so I would have had more photos of Matt and me in our outfits. I only have two. -.- Luckily, a friend came up to say hi and I asked him if he could take a photo of us. (Thanks Anthony!)
One of my favorite things though was when I caught eyes from other X-Men cosplayers. They would nod and smile, making me feel as though we were really connected or something. Nice feeling. I didn’t take photos of any other cosplayers. -.- I should have and I don’t know why I didn’t. I was too busy worrying about my fringe. *I know...self absorbed* But I still had a lot of fun. Matt makes things even more wonderful. <3
Hope you all had a great weekend! I also met Matt’s family this weekend so I’ll post about that later this week. Just know…his family is absolutely wonderful.
Thanks for reading.
Georgie Said:
on April 11, 2017 at 2:12 am
Aw, glad you got at least a couple of photos of you two! You look totally in the mood! 🙂 It’s a real shame about that annoying fringe, though. I would be fiddling with it all day too if it was me! ?
Kimmy Said:
on April 11, 2017 at 9:48 am
@Georgie, Oh yes. I kept messing with it the entire time. XD Matt would keep telling me to leave it alone. But whenever I asked him to try to fix it, he’d adjust it for me. Even if it didn’t actually fix it, the fact that he would try made me happy.
Cat Said:
on April 13, 2017 at 12:28 am
You guys look great! I love your Rogue outfit; it’s so cute 😀 My favorite cosplay moments are when I see other cosplayers in the same series. It’s so fun to get photos together and gush about each other’s costumes, haha. I hope you had fun at AM!
Kimmy Said:
on April 13, 2017 at 11:44 am
@Cat, Thank you!
I wish I was brave enough to take a photo with those people, but I was just…I dunno. I chickened out. Hopefully next time I won’t be as timid.
I had fun, I hope to work on it so that I can use this costume again. I just want to get more photos and figure out a better way to not mess with my hair as much. XD But all in all, so much fun!