Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2008 » August » 9

Archive for August 9, 2008

After Taste

My younger sister and I have been staying with our older sister’s apartment. And we have decided to work out during this week; because there is a gym where we can work off all the junk food we have consumed so far since summer started. Now I have gotten to see my friends some what, and my boyfriend, when he isn’t busy. I plan on making a video soon but I am extremely lazy. I also am looking for a job but I am way too picky and hope to find a job that doesn’t require as much human contact as most jobs do. lol wow that’s sad.

My sisters kitty being cute.

It’s only been a day so far at my sisters and I have encountered a different side of water. Now I don’t usually find myself craving any type of soda. I hate soda to be honest, and only drink lemonade, fruit punk, orange juice but mostly water. And at the place where my sister works they have these Italian and French carbonated waters. S. Pellegrino and Perrier. And lets just say they don’t quite quench my thirst….and never will.

Water I call sprite