Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2010 » August » 12

Archive for August 12, 2010


I am not gonna write about school, and the stress that I am feeling because of it. (Minus this first sentence that is.) So this entry is going to be part Dave McKean, Linger, and cats.

So I just finished reading Linger, the Sequel to Shiver. And again I am left with that empty feeling I get when I finish a book. And I don’t have a book to immediately start reading to fill this void. But not only do I have this empty feeling, I’m also sad because the 3rd book of this trilogy entitled Forever will not be out until July of next year. O.o WHAT? How am I supposed to wait until July? I hate having this feeling. This is the only bad thing about a book series. Its like waiting for the new season of a favorite show to return. T-T But I just remembered that the 5th book of the Immortal series is coming out on November 16th. So that makes me a bit happy. Of course I still don’t have a book to read at the moment and that annoys me. -.-

Ok next topic. Dave McKean. I have mentioned him before in my blogs, because he goes hand to hand with the great Neil Gaiman. I adore them both so much. They are my heroes, so inspiring, so absolutely amazing. They are just…amazing.  Anyway so I was at some of Dave McKean’s artwork and I really really want his tarot Cards. They are so pretty. Anyway, so I found some videos that he made and I really love this short video McKean made for Shakespeare’s Sonnet 138. It of course made me think of Mirror Mask. But this is obviously McKean’s style of art. His artwork is so magical. I really want to watch the new movie Luna. But I have no idea when it will come out because there really isn’t any information about it. Come on Dave, I really want to watch it. This movie poster sort of reminded me of the movie Pan’s Labyrinth. If you haven’t seen that movie along with Mirror Mask I highly recommend it. So go watch it…NOW. :3

So after watching McKean’s vids on youtube and being let down when I couldn’t find anything on Luna. I noticed this vid called The Cat with Hands. Neil talked about this creepy short film on his blog after someone suggested it to him. If you dislike cats in anyway then this will only make you hate them more. And maybe even fear them.  I however still love cats. :3

Words of advice, never trust a cat with hands.