Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2010 » December

Archive for December, 2010


So Kat and I went on an adventure the other day. Just the two of us. I even woke up early which was weird, regular lazy Kim would’ve just wanted to stay in bed. But again as I said in the last post, the bug man was coming to spray.

Dad said it would take 2 hours but it didn’t seem to take that long. But I still had fun with Kat, a vlog will be up later to show what we did. I just have to convert the video files. :/ My new handycam is amazing. It just has a video codex that premiere hates. -.- But luckily the files work ok in movie maker. So I edit a bit there and then publish them on mm and then drag those files into to premiere to do some final editing. And hopefully the playback quality isn’t compressed or choppy. Anyway, so Kat and I decided to try out the mini metro here. And we went to The Local for lunch, it was great I had a lot of fun. Then we just walked around town for a bit. And then Kat got tired. -.- So we walked to the park and she took an hour nap. She said she felt like a hobo sleeping in the grass like that. XD Silly Kathy. While she slept I just played ds until the battery died anyway. Then after she woke up we took some more pictures and then walked to the orthodontist for Kat’s appointment. And that was the end of the adventure, it was a lot of fun and I’m glad we did it.

Thursday Cate came over and we played Just Dance again. I love hanging out with Cate she is one of the few friends from High School that I still see and talk to. She is moving to Galveston and transferring to UTMB so I won’t get to see her every time I visit home. But we plan to Skype every now and then.

Merry Christmas!!!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Another Christmas has gone by and it was wonderful. As usual.:D

I don’t have a job, so no money to buy gifts so I usually make my family gifts. But making something for my parents that they will actually want/use is pretty difficult. I couldn’t think of anything to make them either so I just offered suggestions on what to get them. :/ I only made gifts for Mija, Jody and Kat. For Mija I made her a ds case, for Jody I knitted him a scarf, (I just learned how to knit and word of advice-make sure you count stitches.>.< ) And for Kat I made her a cute apron, but its not quite finished yet. I still have to sew on the pockets and make sure it fits her right. When we were younger Christmas was mainly for us. Our parents didn’t really get presents, so now that we are older we can actually get them presents. I’m glad that Christmas can also be for my parents and not just about us.

Kathy got an Xbox and even dad is playing it. I can’t even play it unless I wake up early enough and that is not going to happen. But watching him play is pretty funny, he gets this  look on his face that means,” I am in the zone, do NOT mess with me. ” Pretty funny.  Well I got a new video camera and I’m about to take it out and go on an adventure. There is this mini metro here in my town that will take us to Lake Jackson. So being without a car and all this is actually pretty useful. We have the bug man coming to spray our house so we don’t get bugs, he comes every year and so today he is coming and we need to be out of the house for 2 hours so we are gonna take the transit and go to the Local or maybe the park depending on how cold it is. It looks rainy outside so I’m thinking the Local. lol We are gonna have lunch and then explore downtown Lake Jackson. XD Which won’t take long. lol I just think it is funny that it is called downtown. And then at 3:45 we will go to Kat’s Ortho. and then dad will pick us up and take Kat to work. And that is the plan for today. Hopefully everything works out.

So Cute

So I was just browsing through some blogs on bloglovin‘ and this blog just happened to have a really interesting post.

The Girls With Glasses Show

They are so adorable, I love their videos. Plus they wear glasses, I’ve been wearing since the 4th grade. I thought glasses were the coolest things in the world. I would even pretend I wore glasses before I had to. My cousin had some old glasses that she has popped the lenses out and I would wear them all the time. I thought glasses just magically made you smarter. I remember when my dad took me to get my eyes checked for the first time, and on the way I said, “I hope I get glasses.” I was an excited 9 year old. My dad then yelled at me saying that I shouldn’t wish to have poor eye sight. He was the kid with tape between his glasses. Except after he got into high school he stopped wearing glasses.

Every time I had an eye exam (I hate getting my eyes checked) I was always asked about contact lenses, and I would immediately just tell them no thank you. I rather like my glasses, and I would probably poke an eye out trying to get the contact in. >.< I have nervous eyes.  Anyway, I love wearing glasses and since I’ve been wearing them for 12 years already they have molded to my face and I look ridiculous without them. -.- So when I have to pose for my driver’s license and they insist/force me to remove my eyes when taking the picture, that is when my nervous eye habit really kicks in.  It takes like 40 mins for me to take a picture without blinking.  So there are some Kimmy facts you just had to know. -.-;

Back to the reason I’m making this post. I just wanted to share this with you.

The cutest theme song and video if you ask me.

I Admire You

I’ve already had my blog for two and half years and I have only posted 140 times in those two years.

To tell you the truth, I thought it would’ve been more. I feel like I’ve had this blog for more than two years. But I’ve notice I have been neglecting this blog. I didn’t update nearly as much as I did in 2009. I used to update 4 sometimes 5 times a month, now its barely even 2 entries. November was the worse because I had to backtrack that month. >.< I make an effort to never miss a month but this one time I did. Which is why I had to back track and post the drafts I should have posted during that month. So I am making a promise to update more in 2011. No backtracking and at least post 4 times a month. I can do that.

I’m not exactly sure why I have a blog. Well I guess it is because I love to write down what I am thinking. I’ve kept journals. There is just something about a journal that just gives me this feeling, I can’t really describe it. I just like the feeling of recording my life. Before my blog, I would write in my journal every day, sadly I don’t really keep a written journal anymore. I will write in one every now and then when I have that feeling of writing and keeping it to myself. Most of the time it is more poems rather than an entry on the happenings of my day. I still love the feeling of pen and paper and also completing a journal is the best feeling. Because then you can flip through the pages and its like you get to open the filing cabinet that holds all of your memories. Because lets face it we can’t always remember the tiny details. Plus I like to think that when I am older and have kids of my own I can show them a me they won’t get to meet. That is especially true with my vlogs. I started making vlogs in 2007, I don’t make them often and I had to delete a few due to copyright laws and others because I wanted to forget about them. (I should update youtube now and then with plain vlogs) Anyway, now I use vimeo to post my vlogs because they are just so much nicer plus I try not to use music in my vlogs anymore just in case they get mad. :/ **RANT- I don’t understand why we can’t use any type of music, that is how you spread the word of a band. You hear it somewhere and then you look them up. BAM! That band/musician just got more fans. Its just like a commercial using their song…I know its all about money. I get it.  ** Rant over.

Anyway, so I hope vimeo is on the internet for a long while, because then I am passing something down to show my future family. I always got excited when I found pictures of my mom when she was a kid. Even more excited when I found pictures of her in high school. But my mom grew up in the 70?s and 80?s so she doesn’t have a ton of pictures. That’s why we are lucky to have all of this technology to record our lives. I don’t vlog or blog so I can get followers. Yes it would be nice to form friendships with people all over the world that share the same hobbies as me. But I don’t do this expecting to get followers or subscribers. I do this for myself and because I enjoy it. I hear a lot of people mocking those of us that keep blogs/vlogs. They describe us as vain, and that no one cares what we have to say. But newsflash, no blogger is saying that the world should care what we write. Bloggers are just regular people who want to share something with the world. Its a way to express yourself, just like painting or playing an instrument. And I admire anyone who is willing to do that.  Because you are never truly yourself with someone, but by yourself you are more likely to be yourself. Because not all of us can just walk up to a complete stranger and immediately start up a friendship. We can’t all be brave like that.

Anyway the deep inner feelings part of the entry is over. Now to conclude this entry, I want to say I am really liking this bloglovin site. I have found a lot of interesting blogs.

Again I am making a promise to myself that I will update this blog more. I can’t always vlog so the least I can do is keep up with my blog.

This, This and This

I said I would vlog more. -.- But being lazy is just so much more fun.

My sleep schedule is naturally screwed up because I went to sleep really late the other day. >.< I was finishing my English final, I finished it around 6 Monday Morning. But now I can relax at home for 3 whole weeks. ^^ It is a bit weird being home after waking up in a different place for 3 months. I love being home, but I also really love my home away from home. It is really comfortable there, and plus I really enjoy having my own bathroom and having the laundry room right outside my bedroom. lol

In depressing news, Mai from Kra (my favorite jrock band) might be leaving the band. T-T I cannot believe it, I’m not sure what the reason is or if it is a sure thing. It might be for health reasons or something else. I do hope he isn’t sick, but I’m just really sad that he is leaving. I first was introduced to this band when I was a freshman in high school. And after watching the pv to Kuu I just fell in love. This was when they were barely starting as a band, they’ve grown so much since that pv.  I grew to love all of the members. It wouldn’t be Kra without either of them. And it wouldn’t be the same if they replaced Mai.  >.< This makes me so sad! I just want them to continue making music together.

Lighten the mood with a less depressing topic- So I am trying to find a tutorial or a patter to make a lace slip dress for our New Years party. But so far no luck, too bad we didn’t go to Buffalo Exchange, I’m sure I could have found a starting point and then just reconstructed or added something to it. I haven’t given up yet, once I figure out what it is I’m making I can buy some fabric. Speaking of fabric I really hope Walmart brings back their fabric section. I was so disappointed when they took it away. But thank goodness there is Hobby Lobby. And there are fabric stores in my town but the fabric there is really expensive. :/ But I like how fabric stores look. Small crafts or antique shops are always so cute, I love knowing that shops like that are near my home. Now if only we had a cute bakery or desert shop, that would be just perfect. And that could be next to a small book store. Like halfprice books for instance or something similar.

Anyway I was reading this blog and in one of her entries she mentions this. I totally want it. I’ve always found polaroid cameras wonderful, I just love the vintage feel it gives pictures. It is expensive, but what camera isn’t? One day maybe. sigh.  I also noticed this blog had this on its sidebar, and if you read a lot of blogs or own a blog then you should get an account. It is a great site that keeps you updated, plus it might help give you traffic on your blog. If you look on my sidebar I already put an icon that will lead you to my blog on bloglovin.

I totally want this. >.<

I haven’t had a song of the day in any of my recent posts. So today’s song is by Eliza Doolittle, I just happened to find  her on Youtube and liked her voice and her music is adorable.

Well I’m gonna lay down and probably fall asleep -.- I hope I can fix my sleep schedule after today. I know I won’t be up during the day. *sigh*


I want my baby sister back. YOU CAN’T HAVE HER JC PENNY’S.

A couple weeks ago Kat started working at JC Penny’s. This is her first job so she is really excited about getting a paycheck. I was happy for her, but that was before I realized I would barely get to see her. She didn’t even have Thanksgiving dinner with us. -.- And now that I’m done with school I want her to come and spend a week with me and Kris at our new place. (Which I love by the way) I keep meaning to make a vlog, but the cold just makes me want to crawl into bed. But now that I am on winter break I will make an effort to vlog more. I know same old tune, I say this every time I “plan” to vlog. But I mean it, I will vlog more. :/ Anyway getting back to Kat, so she no longer has free time and it just makes me sad. I don’t ever get to see her, and when I come home for the weekend she is never home because she is working. Another thing, it makes me wish I had a job but no one will hire me. Having no work experience really kills any chance at getting a job. So I envy Kat for working and also going to school. She is the only Vera girl to have a job while being in high school.  So I am proud of her, even though I really miss her. And I still really really want her to come and stay with us for a week before she goes back to school. But since she is working , I doubt that will happen. I just want her to enjoy my home away from home as much as I do. I also want her to ride the bus with me, maybe show her UH and then take her to B&N by our old place. That’s the best thing about Houston I can get around without a car. 🙂 I still want a car though, metro certainly won’t take the need for a car away. But anyway, I just wish I had my little schedule free sister back. But I know she likes her job so I shouldn’t complain. (even though I doubt she will read this, since she just ignores our blogs, INCLUDING HER OWN!!!!!!!!)  And as long as she is doing well in school and she is having fun then that is all that matters.

I hope I get to see more of her during the winter break.:P


My Psychology final is this Thursday at 8 am!

I really hope I can wake up that early to get here on time. I’m currently at the library because I don’t have net set up at my house yet. Comcast is stupid and they like to complicate things. I had to come to campus to deal with financial aid anyway. Which didn’t take long, I’m actually surprised that it didn’t take long. I thought students would be lining up to deal with the next semester. Either they have things under control or they are too busy with finals. But as I look around to the students on their laptops, all I see is Facebook windows. >.< Is facebook really that important to people? I have one, so I’m not trying to say I don’t update my status. But is it really that important to always be logged on? I guess they could be talking to a classmate/friend and are asking for help or planning a study group. But I just see people looking at their own profiles. XD And I am seen as vain for keeping a blog? Isn’t that more vain to just stare at your profile waiting to think up your next status update? Or is that just pathetic? Again, I have nothing against fb. I use it and update it just like everyone else. But I can go hours, days even without updating my status. And its safe to say I don’t have withdrawals or panic attacks. Now not having internet? That is when I panic. >.< I live on the net, so not having it just annoys me. I know I shouldn’t be worried about the internet when I should be studying and writing an essay. I have an English essay due next Monday. It makes me sad that I won’t need to update my 2305 blog anymore.  I really loved the layout for that blog.  So I have an essay to write and a Psych exam and final to study for. I’m really annoyed with my Psych prof. Not only for making the final at 8 AM, but also for scheduling the 3rd exam on the same day at the same time as the final. Not exactly sure how that is going to work but my main focus is just to study and then get there on time. I tried talking to classmates and none of them had a clue as to what was going on. And then I tried to email him. Asking him to explain it once more because I never did catch this information in class.

His reply:

The syllabus is accurate. We have gone over this repeatedly in class.

Now, I vaguely remember him going over this. Because he always left important announcements at the end of class. And this is a huge auditorium and once one person see class is almost done then everyone starts packing up. Even with a mic you still can’t hear the professor talk. So I could never catch what he said about the final. I know this sounds like an excuse, but its the truth. It was really annoying to not be able to hear him. Even though he should have made every announcement at the beginning of class. :/

So its already 4:27 so I guess I should start heading home and start studying for Psych. I’m not sure where I should start though. :/