Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2010 » December » 19

Archive for December 19, 2010

So Cute

So I was just browsing through some blogs on bloglovin‘ and this blog just happened to have a really interesting post.

The Girls With Glasses Show

They are so adorable, I love their videos. Plus they wear glasses, I’ve been wearing since the 4th grade. I thought glasses were the coolest things in the world. I would even pretend I wore glasses before I had to. My cousin had some old glasses that she has popped the lenses out and I would wear them all the time. I thought glasses just magically made you smarter. I remember when my dad took me to get my eyes checked for the first time, and on the way I said, “I hope I get glasses.” I was an excited 9 year old. My dad then yelled at me saying that I shouldn’t wish to have poor eye sight. He was the kid with tape between his glasses. Except after he got into high school he stopped wearing glasses.

Every time I had an eye exam (I hate getting my eyes checked) I was always asked about contact lenses, and I would immediately just tell them no thank you. I rather like my glasses, and I would probably poke an eye out trying to get the contact in. >.< I have nervous eyes.  Anyway, I love wearing glasses and since I’ve been wearing them for 12 years already they have molded to my face and I look ridiculous without them. -.- So when I have to pose for my driver’s license and they insist/force me to remove my eyes when taking the picture, that is when my nervous eye habit really kicks in.  It takes like 40 mins for me to take a picture without blinking.  So there are some Kimmy facts you just had to know. -.-;

Back to the reason I’m making this post. I just wanted to share this with you.

The cutest theme song and video if you ask me.