Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2012 » January » 28

Archive for January 28, 2012

Genghis Virgin

So I updated M-S the other day. I made a fold clutch following this tutorial. M-S is the space where my sisters and I post about our projects.

My older sister Mija, is a Graphic Designer, she is the creator of my wonderful blog layout and also of the M-S lay. So she freaking rocks. Kat, my younger sister, is working to become a pâtissier. She is developing her cooking skills and updates her creations on M-S.  And I update M-S, with fun sewing and knitting projects that I teach myself how to make. We take turns updating once a month and its a way for us to express our own personalities and creativity.

So my mom and Kat are here this weekend and my bro-in law Jody, took us out to dinner last night. We at Genghis Grill, and it was AMAZING. If you’ve never been before then you must go, I insist. :9 So they give you this small bowl and you start off by picking you’re protein. I packed as much sliced beef and marinated beef as I could. Followed by some crab bits, shrimp, and calamari.  Then you pick your seasoning. I just sprinkled some pepper, lemon pepper and bit of salt on mine. Then you move on to veggies, I added some mushrooms, zucchini and squash. You  pick your sauce, I chose teriyaki, and then pick your starch. I chose two, veggie fried rice and udon noodles. :9 Now if you are unsatisfied with your dish you only have your self to blame. Because you’re the one who basically made it. I was very happy with my combination of food. Next time, I think I’ll stick with crab, sliced beef and maybe a few shrimp. I was determined to pack as much food in that little bowl as I could. Its a lot of food, I couldn’t even finish my bowl. But that just meant I got to take home leftovers. XD If you have tried this place before then let me know the combination’s you’ve tried.

Here’s another song I wanted to share. Cameo Lover by Kimbra. I’ve seen a few different versions with my name in it. The most interesting one is Kimberla. XD Never met anyone with that name but I noticed an author with that name and found it very interesting. Kimbra is another unique one, even her music and videos are interesting. I’m loving her music. If I could cut my hair that short I would. XD

So I want to know, I’m thinking of making a few clutches to giveaway on M-S. Would you be interested?

Meme and Mention

My sister Mija tagged me!


  • You must post these rules.
  • Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
  • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
  • You have to choose people to tag and link them on the post.

11 Facts about me….

  1. I do NOT like my neck being touched. >.<
  2. I taught myself how to knit and sew. ^^
  3. Nail polish is a new obsession of mine.
  4. I’m horribly unphotogenic…sucks -.-
  5. Teal is my new favorite color.
  6. I am a middle child.
  7. I’ve never eaten, nor do I ever want to, at Taco Bell.
  8. I’m an Editorial Assistant for Gulf Coast. <3
  9. Optometrist scare me.
  10. I can’t dance to save my life.
  11. The internet is something I can’t live without.


1. Who was your childhood hero?   My dad. I was a huge daddy’s girl as a child. Now that I’m grown up and out of the house. He picks on me like a little brother would. :/ He is crazy.

2. What is your biggest pet peeve? Sorry, but I can’t stand it when women wear leggings/tights without wearing something that covers their butt. If you bend down or reach up and I can see your underwear then that means you should wear some shorts or cute bloomers to cover up. Thank you.

3. Favorite thing about grade school? It was so easy to make friends. It was the time before clicks formed and everyone was friends with everyone. Before the jocks became jocks and the geeks became geeks. It was nice. 🙂

4. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?  I wouldn’t say its my ultimate guilty pleasure, but I enjoy Vampire Diaries. I’ve never read the books, nor do I plan to, but for some reason I just got sucked in by the series. >.< The story line isn’t that great, but I enjoy watching it.

5. Favorite item to accessorize with? It would have to say scarves. After learning how to knit them, I’ve become obsessed. XD But then again I’m crazy about bags and hair accessories as well. So this is actually a very hard question to answer.

6. Do you have any hobbies? Yes I do. Blogging, reading, knitting, sewing. Sometimes I vlog and just writing in general. :3

7. Favorite tasty beverage? Raspberry lemonade. Sooooo freaking yummy. :9 I first tried it at FireHouse Subs. And instantly feel in love with it. And its all thanks to this fancy coke machine.

8. How did you come up with the design of your blog? I just asked my talented sister to design and make one for me. I asked her to design something that would fit my personality and feature my hobbies. And the finish product is just splendid. So thanks again Mjia!! <3

9. Do you go to any cons or meet ups? I’ve been to a few cons, now I’m more focused on going to readings in my area. The one I’m excited for most is The Houston Indie Book Fest. So if your in the area, you should come check it out and look for the Gulf Coast table. That’s where I’ll be. >.<

10. What are you going/did go to school for? I’m an English Major with a Concentration in Creative Writing at UH. And I hope to work for a Journal or a Magazine or a nice publishing company.

11. Tell me your best childhood memory! I have so many good ones. But the one that springs to mind, I wouldn’t exactly call this the best, is when I would tell my mom that a bird landed on my finger while I was playing outside. XD Not sure why I would do this. But it just seemed so amazing, I must have associated birds with Disney Princesses and felt that a bird landing on my finger was pure magic.

My Questions for you!!! :3

1. If you could meet any celebrity or other personality in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
2. Which color best describes you or stands for your personality?
3. How did you come up with your blog url? Or if you don’t have your own domain, where did the name of your blog come from?
4.Describe yourself in a single sentence.
5. Favorite cartoon character?
6.Pc or Mac?
7. iphone or Droid? Or if you don’t have a smart phone, why not?
8. Favorite movie?
9. Why do you blog?
10. What projects have you been working on? (i.e. personal, creative, homework)
11. What is the best thing about your blog design?

I tag Kristen, Melanie, Bea, Sarah, Audry, Robin and Shelly. After you update your blog with this meme leave a link to it on my post. Others are welcomed to it as well.