Weekends with You ?
This past weekend was wonderful.
For the three day weekend, I spent it over at Matt’s. Now, this isn’t the first time but I’m typically a homebody and enjoy being lazy, watching movies, or knitting…you get it. But my weekends with him are always just so wonderful. So here’s a breakdown on our weekend:
- Friday: We went to a pre release for the new Magic cards at Asgard Games, ran into some friends there and I played one round. I’m not really that great at the game, but it’s fun.
- Saturday: We hung out with Matt’s friends for a bit, and enjoyed some yummy food and dessert. We also started watching the Netflix Original: A Series of Unfortunate Events. Loved the books, so I was looking forward to reading the books.
- Sunday: We woke up early, but didn’t really do anything until mid day. (Matt was also starting to get sick…which surprise surprise, I now have what he had/has)He was feeling up for getting out of the apartment so we decided to go to The Mad Potter to do some painting. He painted a mug and I painted a soup bowl. I forgot to take any before photos though. Very unlike me. Sadly, we have to wait until next week to pick up our master pieces because we won’t be here on Friday. I’m excited to see how they turn out. I might have put too much pressure on it, but luckily Matt was there to remind me that this was for fun. And it was a lot fun, when I suggested we go paint mugs, I didn’t think he would actually go with it. Not because he wouldn’t want to, but because it was just so spur of the moment. And because of that we sort of ran out of time but I’m excited to see how they came out. Matt painted a mug, splitting it down the middle, one side with his white kitty Eve and the other side with his black kitty Marco. It’s pretty adorable. and I painted a mint bowl with white orchids. After that we went to Barnes and Noble where we picked up two new Magic decks and a copy of Stardust by Neil Gaiman. We ended our night out with dinner at Sushi Choo Choo.
- Monday: Matt woke up feeling really bad, so I went and got him some medicine and cooked him some eggs. We spent the day watching movies and didn’t leave the apartment at all. We had our lunch and dinner delivered to us via Ubereats. Amazing! I’ve never used Uber before, but using it to bring food? So convenient and totally helps me maintain my hermit like behavior. The night ended with some reading and cuddles.
Such a great weekend, I hope my cold doesn’t last too long though. We have another wonderful weekend planned and I don’t want my boogers to ruin that. We have a trip planned, more on that next time. 🙂 How was your weekend?
? Thanks for reading ?